
Responses from detlof

What's the funniest or dumbest thing you did?
Greg, who wants Lanza anyway? To my ears, he sounded no less horrible on 7.5 IPS. Actually he should belong the the regrets part of that thread.....(-; Detlof 
What tube amps for the Quad ELS 63
I've had Quads all my musical life and I would say that the advice given above holds good. I have nothing to add to that or to disagree with. Linn and Quad musically do not go very well together.The Quads show up mercilessly all the inherent fault... 
Buying from other countries?
Use an escrow service to be on the safe side.Cheers, 
Best Power Conditioner?
I have quite a bit of experience with the PS-Audio products and I think Jonathan is right in as far as I had loaded a 300 pretty much to its limit at a current draw of about 210 all together. I later switched to a 600 and had no limiting of dynami... 
What's the funniest or dumbest thing you did?
The dumbest:I run 220 and 120VAC gear and once I inadvertedly switched the power. The 220 VAC did not mind much, said it needed VIAGRA, but the 120 gear blew a fuse, to put it mildly and so did I.The funniest:Running a tape of Mario Lanza at 30ips... 
What is a good intro to "Mahler"?
Rcprince is right, the Cisco is unlistenable, to put it bluntly. Why not get in touch with Mikrokosmos in Toronto. Peter Fueloep, the owner is a Mahler specialist and he deals in LPs an has got first class mechandise at very fair prices. 
Cable vs. Electronics: biggest bang for the buck
WMmcmanus, apologies to you and to all the others, for my selfishly misusing this thread to veer off on a tangent from it together with ASA. Glad, we didn't get any flak, which would have been quite understandable but also shows the generosity of ... 
Cable vs. Electronics: biggest bang for the buck
Asa, thanks for your beautiful and and immensely kind and touching response. We will have to move to private conversation to go further. Please give me time. I have so little. A fond wave across the oceans, 
Taking the bad with the good
I haven't been to one audio show in the last twenty years, I did not go away from, sniggering inwardly about how my rig at home was much better, only to be brought back to reality, listening to perhaps similar systems at friends' or collegues' hom... 
Cable vs. Electronics: biggest bang for the buck
Asa--your thoughts on Jung - and since you've brought them up here, ( Arnie please forgive us ) and dear brothers in arms here on A. please have patience - here is an attempt at a response:Reading between your lines, which essentially and as far a... 
Cable vs. Electronics: biggest bang for the buck
Asa, your thoughts on Jung need time and careful consideration. At the moment I have neither. So the answer may come in little pieces. Only your last paragraph: Of course you can know "essence", you are quite right. But you cannot build a scientif... 
Cable vs. Electronics: biggest bang for the buck
Clueless, if old Kant was right, that e-mail will never come, because being part of that "essence", we cannot look at it from the outside. We have to leave that to the fanatics, of what ever creed, breed and shape and size, who will not tire to fe... 
Cable vs. Electronics: biggest bang for the buck
Gad, in rereading my little piece, the old Latin saying comes to mind: " si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses"... if you had shut your mouth, you'd still be thought bright. But never mind. Now to get a bit off topic:Clueless, the man Jung is indeed... 
Cable vs. Electronics: biggest bang for the buck
Oops, I just stumbled over Clueless' and Asa's argument. Its late here in Europe and I'm too tired to give it the serious thought it deserves. Will have to pospone it. At first glimpse, it seems that both are right, only their viewpoints are basic... 
Problems using Western Union Money Orders?
I've been using WU money orders as a buyer in my dealings on ebay through many years without ever having a seller complain. In fact, the goods I had won ( lps, r2rs and cd mainly ) were sent generally about a week or ten days after the deal was cl...