
Responses from detlof

What is "critical listening"?
Haven't read the above answers, but here is my two cents:Critical listening is when I switch from music lover mode to audiophile mode. I then listen to the system and use the music as a means to this end. Contrary to that in music lover mode, the ... 
Least cost way to send amp to USA from Belgium?
Talk to Bax Global all the same. They might collect it from your workplace or you could drop the package at their offices. Customs is a problem of the importer in the US, not for you and it will depend how you declare the object. I've sent a few t... 
Lyra Helikon SL-Worth upgrade?
Rcump, had the same experience as you with the Grasshoppers. 
Quad 988 / 989 reliability ??
9rw, the bubbling noise, alas , is NOT upstream. That was checked. Mbonn, by usual servicing I mean, that the plastic foil in the 63s covering the panels has to be restreched or replaced every 2-3 years of fairly heavy use. If one is handy and suf... 
Quad 988 / 989 reliability ??
Ivanj, I've also moved from the 57s to the 63s. I fact I still drive 3 pairs of 63s. Apart from the usual servicing of the 63s, I've never had any trouble at all. As long as Walker was in charge quality controll has always been excellent. I am tal... 
Death of Vinyl? Nah
Zaikesman, the biggest problem with sound quality has always been at the recording end of the chain, no matter what medium and yes, I've also heard ADD masterings, which were indeed better than the original, but NEVER in classical music, where CD ... 
Death of Vinyl? Nah
Glad to be in such good company! 
Is it worth it to buy the Cable Cooker?
Great post Sean! 
Death of Vinyl? Nah
Hardly a surprise. A case in point: Went to a local fleamarket, pulled out 41 classical LPs, cleaned those I wished to listen to first and had three glorious evenings. No listener's fatigue, as is sometimes the case with redbook cds and SACD. Mara... 
What is the worst recorded CD you have?
Deutsche Grammophone: Hell for me would be to be condemned to sit in front of a first class system and hear nothing but DGG. I would plead to become stone deaf. By the way, I agree with Will, the Telarcs he mentions are a pain...Cheers 
Moving coil cartridge advice needed
Doug, the Clearaudio would actually fit your specification IMO. The others I'm not familiar with. Cheers, 
Lyra Helikon SL-Worth upgrade?
The Helikon is a great step forward from the Clavis. Except during the first break-in period, it is much more full bodied and has decidedly more PRAT, here being closer to the Insider than any other cartridge I am familiar with. 
Is it worth it to buy the Cable Cooker?
Well spoken J.D. I can only second that. The cable's still cooking by the way. I plan to cook only one side of the pair for direct comparison with the uncooked side. Cheers, 
Lyra Helikon SL-Worth upgrade?
I wholeheartedly second Granpad. The Helikon comes very very close to the Clearaudio Insider in slam, soundstage layering, general dynamics and resolution down to the pppp level and this at a fraction of the price! I use it on a very heavily modif... 
Is it worth it to buy the Cable Cooker?
Being too dumb to build one for myself, I've just got myself a cable cooker from Alan. I have a pair of interconnects cooking right now, which lead from my tonearm to the Aesthetix IO. I've chosen those, because I expect here the most noticeable d...