
Responses from detlof

Buying from outside the United States?
If you buy from countries within the European Community you must make sure that the seller is not charging you his local purchase tax. This can be as much as 16% of the purchase price. Serious dealers, experienced in exporting will not do this, bu... 
Stacking power amps mono blocks
Abstract, would you please explain? What do you mean by "routed and sandwitched with marbles"? I am thinking of using aluminium tubes of about 2.5 inches for the same purpose. Please enlighten..thanks 
Over seas releases
You could try The UK, French or German branch of Amazon, if its Europe. Don't know about Japan and the rest of Asia or Africa. Cheers, 
Which XLR interconnect for spectral gear
Oh Frank, yes it is ....and by a margin !Cheers 
Which XLR interconnect for spectral gear
350 EVO ic's and V2's for the speakers. Regards 
Which XLR interconnect for spectral gear
I have the same gear as you do as part of my setup. I have used the Nordost top of the line to good effect in the balanced input side but finally settled for the MIT stuff for the rest after all. I found it gave the best musical synergy with the r... 
all or nothing
Yes, I would also say, as Bmpnyc has pointed out, that Harmonic Technology ic's would be an excellent bet for you. They are often to be had at Audiogon at mostly fair prices. Regards, 
Fly in the SACD Ointment?
I have an LP frontend, which manages very well to separate the music from the noise. Much of my LP playback, inspite of excellent highs, is practically silent. That said, you can perhaps understand that I was never really taken in, even by the bet... 
Cable "burning": Real or VooDoo ???
Frank, cables -shnabels- you're right, listening to Hejira again--after many years- was quite an experience. Thanks for reminding me.Regards, 
all or nothing
No it should not hurt, on the contrary, this way you are able to finely tune or voice your system. If you find for example, that in your room your highs are too pronounced, or vice versa, or you want to correct the sound of your bottom end for tha... 
Cable "burning": Real or VooDoo ???
Frap, I've evened you out, though I prefer her "Blue" to Hejira. But that album got me on to her and I'll dig it out and listen to it tonight. Thanks for reminding me of its existence. Cheers 
Cable "burning": Real or VooDoo ???
Here again 702, I must follow in the footsteps of no money and second his request. Apart from that, even if that will get me minus points, I am glad that your back. I would wish though, that you would be more open about your listening habits, your... 
Tight Bass
Ka, lady or not, you deserve two points at least, because you made me, I would not get a shrink, I would get what you mention and enjoy!! Regards, 
Absolute Best power amp, tube ss
My two cents are for SS the Spectral 360 Monos and the Jadis 800 for tubes. 
Musicality" in a system? What IS that ?
Ozfly, thanks for your beautiful post. To me you have said it all and have in fact made the synopsis I was still searching for to add to this thread. Thanks also to all other contributers. You've helped me tremendously in clearing my thoughts on t...