
Responses from detlof

scd 777es sacd sony mod worth it?
Rcprince, thanks for your kind offer. I actually did try to contact you, but obviously my mail didn't get through and Mes, we must compare notes, once we have the units back.Regards to all, 
scd 777es sacd sony mod worth it?
Hello Kubla,I'm opting for a complete mod of the analog stage, would actually have prefered an all tube stage, like RcPrince has reported about, but could not hunt up the man in question .(cannot think of his name right now). The reasons why were ... 
scd 777es sacd sony mod worth it?
I've just sent mine to the Audience people to be modified.Shall report here in due course, when I have it back and its broken in. 
100 tube watts=200 ss watts?
Thanks Plato, excellent! 
Record-playing Rituals?
Hi Doug, yes I wondered about the instability, but thought you had perhaps a special training program. Regards, 
kontact kleaner
There IS a difference. Just clean one channel only and listen. You'll be amazed how the soundstage subtly shifts to the channel you have cleaned. 
My Poop theory by kublakhan
You are "eine Kluge". Much agreed. 
100 tube watts=200 ss watts?
Plato is dead right. There is no more to be said on this topic in MO. One question though Plato: Am I right in assuming that generally tube amps have better dynamics and wallop than SS-amps in the 50-1O0watt range or is that an outdated conception? 
kontact kleaner
JD, as Megasam said, there is only one size and its excellent. I would have given you the same sources as he did. Cheerio 
For You: THE most imprortant element...
No, seriously now, the most important element to me is that, be it live or reproduced, it touches my heart and soul and draws me into, not different to the posts above. 
Record-playing Rituals?
Doug, do you use them in the treadmill to power your recordplayer? Regards, 
Multiple Copies Of LP s Same Title
My apologies as well, but then its also just that, what makes this place here so exiting... and Greg, this outlet you mention at Vorosmarty still exists in so far, in that they carry a very large, international collection of CD's nowadays. 
What Are Your Audio Morals?
My dealer is a close friend of mine. I find his often dizzying markups immoral and he my occasional shopping sprees outside of his territory as well. We can both live with that, because he's also a true audiophile, which is the basis of our friend... 
Record-playing Rituals?
You forgot to mention your EEG, Plasmatronic , which will monitor the state of your Delta brain waves, in order to tell you when, through careful breathing exercises, you have brought yourself into the right meditative state to be receptive for a ... 
Favorite solo piano players...cds
Shostacovich: Preludes and Fugues, 2CD set on Melodiya, played by A.Nikolajeva.You can have the same by Keith Jarret on WEA I think, much less impassioned and less thoughtful rendering, more "romantic".