
Responses from detlof

Arthur Salvatore WoW comments??
Well Kubla, were you so quick to shoot with those minus two points?...and I thoughts we were "friends". Shows how naive I am...but then probably it was one of those inane bushwackers. ..... 
Arthur Salvatore WoW comments??
Kubla, we've been through it all in the thread called "Reviewing the Reviewers", as you know. So why bring it all up again? Cheers, 
Favorite solo piano players...cds
Beam yes, you are right, he gives a very romantic rendering. I suggest you try Friedrich Gulda on Beethoven or Sljatoslav Richter, if you can find the LP's. Its also interesting and I find rewarding, speaking of Kempf, to compare some of his rende... 
Reviewing the Reviewers
Greg, thanks for having read my long diatribe. You are right about the importance of disputes. They help to clarify where and how we stand. Why don't you start a thread about "shaping preferences" ? I myself, like you need dynamics, I need "those ... 
Reviewing the Reviewers
Well Rbischoff, trust is not the word I would use, however I liked Cordesman, Martin Colloms,John Nork and the HP of yore, alas,not the one employed by Dell Computers. And hi Kubla, nice to find you here, don't cease to be amazed, (-;, it keeps on... 
Musical accuracy in subwoofers
Nobody said it didn't. 
Musical accuracy in subwoofers
Its the timbre of the instrument being reproduced, I referred to, not the timbre a subwoofer might have. If the sub has timbre, a sound of its own, it distorts and you will never get the timbre of the instrument reproduced right. You have to have ... 
Reviewing the Reviewers
Greg, remember the old Latin phrase "degustibus non est disputandum " ? One man's heaven (speaker, cable, what have you) is another man's hell. So even the most rational of statements in our field here, will most probably be met with an emotional ... 
Musical accuracy in subwoofers
Sugarbrie is right. To test for timbre I suggest the following:Set your crossover point on the sub to its lowest possible setting, preferably to 30hz. Play a disc containing a lot of bass information at your normal listening level with the rest of... 
Reviewing the Reviewers
Slawney, thankyou for your thoughtful response to my query. To my mind at least it should be difficult to refute the points you make in your brilliant analysis. The methodology you suggest, is, as you say, difficult to apply in practical terms, bu... 
Reviewing the Reviewers
Slawney, would you really say that Salvatore's critique of "these institutions" you mention is a "systematic" one, as you call it ? (Unless of course by systematic you mean a critique of the alleged "systems" behind those institutions and not the ... 
"sandwich" platform for amps
Yous setup is fascinating. I've experimented with PolyCrystal cones and liked them very much, but for this particular setup, preferred the spikes and ceramic combination, which seemed to give a sort of "airy" quality to the sound. I placed the cer... 
"sandwich" platform for amps
Mwalsdor, you can try to put small ceramic plates between your spikes and the granite. You will have to experiment. If you get the right ceramic, there will be no ringing but an amazing overall clarification of the sound. Sounds crazy, has to be h... 
What is the Sound of Impedence Mismatch?
Dull, lifeless musical rendering, massed strings undifferentiated, often somewhat harsh, grainy sound, no bloom, lack of dynamics . Redkiwi is right to these here ears. 
scd 777es sacd sony mod worth it?
I know about this suggestibility thing. I am too long in this game not to have fallen into this trap and hence tried to learn a few lessons from it. I think I can (almost)trust my ears. I've made very careful notes about the music listened to with...