
Responses from detlof

For You: THE most imprortant element...
my checkbook ;-) 
Multiple Copies Of LP s Same Title
Rcprince, I am so sorry not to be able to help you along. I used Vienna solely as a stopover on my way to Budapest and Prague is still on my "to visit" list. However, if you are not on a too tight a schedule, Budapest is only about 250km from Vien... 
Reviewing the Reviewers
Touché Ka, I humbly must bow to your insight. It was probably the halfconscious reminiscence of my old anger, when I saw the figures I admired, first sway and then fail, which made me now so impatient....and unjust. Apologies to anyone offended. 
Multiple Copies Of LP s Same Title
Well Greg, what a great pleasure. My late wife was Hungarian and when in Budapest I one day discovered his shop at Dob Utca in the old ghetto of B. We soon truly befriended each other and hence did not lose touch, after he and his family emigrated... 
Reviewing the Reviewers
Tubegroover, I am very grateful for the time and energy you took, to write this thoughtful and very well considered post....and I could not agree more. I've read TAS from its very beginning and have experienced that "gradual shifting of allegiance... 
Whatever happened to Enid?
How right you are Sean, I also think she made a better team with PM than with HP, although she had some seminal articles in TAS as well, as I recall. 
Multiple Copies Of LP s Same Title
Gregm, you don't need lithium, just play the Oistrakh. I suppose you know about "Mikrokosmos" as a source of Lp's from beyond the curtain? They used to be based in Budapest, now in Toronto. If not, mail Peter Fülöp at and say De... 
What is sound floor
Gosh, Redkiwi, isn't our life complicated. I use a 25kg iron weight on each of the output transformers of my Jadis 500, also one each of the same heftyness on the Spectral 360's and one on my DAC. Cannot say that my music is without PRAT and I fee... 
Record-playing Rituals?
Thanks Albert, will report here as soon as I have tried it out. A propos rituals: I just rememembered, that the great Enid Lumley before playing an LP( wonder what happened to her, she was thought nuts in the seventies for propagating tweaks, whic... 
Who is the sexiest female vocalist?
.....nor the popsicle toes.... 
Who is the sexiest female vocalist?
SHHH Kubla, right...defenitely Tom Waits as could I have forgotten...Bwana was not there....Big cheers to you!PSSSSS 
Who is the sexiest female vocalist?
Kubla, by chance I picked an old record of Frankie Boy last night and man, what a voice--so my vote for male Viagra goes to Sinatra....female...Betty Holiday and that by a margin. Cheers to all, 
Reviewing the Reviewers
A question: Honestly, aren't we all a bit infantile, speaking of trusting the magazines and complaining of trust betrayed. For heaven's sake, these guys must make a living like us and how can we be sure ourselves, that we - with conflicting intere... 
My Poop theory by kublakhan
Well, to my opinion, Psychicanimal is basically right. We move generally closer to live music with every improvement of our system, but never really get properly close, except for very fleeting and magical moments. So if we compare our setup to a ... 
"sandwich" platform for amps
Shalom Larry,Maple would have indeed been much better, but "real" wood is getting rare here and very expensive to buy. What I did, was to build two amp stands together with and for a friend, who has a pair of 75 kilo Gryphons, using a sandwhich of...