
Responses from detlof

Music to make you laugh by
Thanks so far for all your posts. Greatly appreciated. Katharina, also Bach can be funny: His Coffee and his Peasant Cantata. Hilarious! Cheers 
My own audio store
Wow, Snooker, seems I misjuged you. After critizising you, I now must admit, that I appreciate very much what you had to say. ..... and put back to zero on this post what I had negatively done before. You have my respect ( for what it is worth)Cheers 
My own audio store
Ah yes, Snooker I forgot to mention, that even though Katharina was "unladylike", in your opinion, she did not insult anyone personally. You however insulted her very directly and I suppose that is why you collected negative votes. Also from me no... 
My own audio store
KA, now-now, you must have been in a bad mood indeed! Let the children play, even if they should waste server space. We all do sometimes. Cheers. 
Speaker Grill Cloth, On or Off
Quad ESL's sound even more open and detailed in the nude. 
USA - Europe Duties
O heck, spelling, it should mean revenues, like avenues, I suppose. E. is some tough language to write. Maybe I should try to imitate Sedond, but then he inimitable......I adore his spelling. 
Mix of RCA Balanced Cables. Is it ok?
From what I have heard or read and in my personal experience as well, there is NO fixed rule you can go by. There are guidelines, like balanced ic often being less prone to noise, however if they are indeed musically more satisfying in a given rig... 
Tight Bass
You bring up a very good point. If you ever have had the chance to attend a live performance of R. Strauss's "Also sprach Zarathustra", you will indeed notice in the opening bars of this tremendous work, how the deep bass of the organ and the huge... 
Audiophile Magazine Web Locations -- FYI
Thanks Ozfly, you've worked hard for all our benefit. Kudos to you and regards, 
Musicality" in a system? What IS that ?
Djjd, thanks for sharing this wonderful quote with us. I agree with your definition of musicality, one could add.... and what is " in flow" , to add an inner rythm element to it on the time level, which adds very much to the "feeling of what is be... 
USA - Europe Duties
Kelly, your warning voice certainly does make sense. But doesn't this apply merely to inter US dealings from one state to the other? I have my doubts about the Fed. Gov. caring much about foreign tax revenews, unless of course there are agreements... 
Most achingly-beautiful music
Thankyou Tejo, that would be very kind. Sad, that she recently died, its a loss. Listened to Pires again, by the way and you are right, such a lightness and yet such intensity. Wonderful!! Regards, 
Need SS preamp that sounds like tube .
Yes, the pox on that moron, mate, and how right you were in that post of yours Red-Kiwi. I couldn't agree more. Shall go and even out right now. Cheers ! 
Rate the Audiophile Publications
I do the same as Gregm says, but still like TAS for general information and for their ruminations on the philsophy of listening ( how and to what ). As far as that 's concerend, they've taught me a lot through the last thirty years. I much preferr... 
Recordings to die for - R R only
True, true, I would have said the same, but my genteel brother in Jadis simply was faster. Cheers