Responses from deadhead1000
Seriously though, maybe the best tweak is exercise? I do believe exercise improves my audio system. I can relax more knowing I am taking care of myself, and also less worry about sitting too long listening. No sports drinks, a good blended scotch. Otherwise, I hear Sour Diesel is really good. My w... | |
Women Who Rock I saw Wendy O. back in the 80's - I haven't been the same since. I still have at least one 45 record of hers that is stashed someplace. The jacket is amazing. Some great artists listed here, even if the OP didn't mean for anyone to create a list.... | |
Lend me your ears... I own the Aurender N200, and love it. But although the Aurender DAC is very good, I went with their N series so I could upgrade my outboard DAC whenever I wanted. just something to think about, especially as you mention outboard DACs with your oth... | |
Demo'ing Class A amps, Appreciation Suggestions from those who recently been there +1 on trying Luxman, I have the 590AXii which is their class A integrated and the sound is just lovely. Nothing to complain about. I don’t have room right now for their model 900 amp, but I would if I could. | |
Amapiano Music Thanks @kota1 Fun Music, the video's are fun too! | |
Older subwoofers better than newer subwoofers! I had a Velodyne that was at least 15 years old, it was great for surround sound with movies, but even though room filling, it didn't seem to do 2 channel very well. I turned the movie room into just a music room about 2 years ago and replaced the... | |
How do you find time to enjoy your $$$ speakers and system? @pheil @roxy54 Who cares what her system is, I want to know if she's single and likes younger men (66)..........😉🤣🤣 | |
what are your top "audio bargins" in your system history? @jusam +1 Advents were my first real speakers and it was hard to let them go. They cost me $200 and I had to spend $1400 to get something better sounding. | |
Advice on speaker replacement I owned the KEF 300 a while back, great sounding, but they are too small for your room even with a sub. My room is similar to yours and when I went to a bigger speaker, it was much better. If you like the KEF sound, go with the bigger KEF, you ca... | |
Harbeth 40.3's. Should I buy them? I own Harbeth and they are not, in my humble opinion, rocking-out speakers - Just as @rsf507 mentioned. For Classical, Jazz, musicians such as Dire Straits, Taylor Swift, Pink Floyd, any Blues, Female voice is wonderful, and any acoustic they are ... | |
Subwoofer Choice +1 @lak | |
Question about RAM You got two 8 gig modules. For a mid-tier gaming, that amount of RAM (and the CL18 level) is fine. If you play online against other players, going to 32gig and CL16 will make a small, but noticeable difference, but only if you're bandwidth is up t... | |
Glorious TuneTot ... ??? When I was looking for speakers, around 10K, I auditioned the TuneTots and found them to be thin sounding with a flat image. I thought the speakers were placed too far apart (they were a good 10 feet apart) and told the sales guy to move them clos... | |
Help. System sounds thin and bright or harsh I own 30.2's with a Class A amp. My suggestion is a combination of the above. Place the speakers closer to the walls if possible. Use Ton-Trager or similar stands, or what I did was put springs under my speakers, made a huge positive difference, a... | |
Rell or JL subwoofer? I have the JL Audio 110's, never had any problems. I now use it for 100% music, and they sound great. When I did surround sound, they sounded fine also. I really appreciate the DSP, it really made setting it up and matching it to the main speaker... |