

Responses from deadhead1000

At what price is one considered an Audiophile.
I'll respond in a different way. When I brought my first good system back in 1979, nothing too fancy, but it sounded great (Marantz receiver, Advent speakers, Pioneer turntable with Shure M95 cart.) - you would call it a low-end audiophile system ... 
Streamer Operating System Storage: SSD vs EEPROM?
@Yage and @Carlsbad2 are correct. The SSD's are for storing the music, not the OS. I have 30+ Years in IT and also own a N200 and love it. I am using two 5TB SSD's.   
Tube Preamps Should Have This Feature
I went with Class A and personally, I don't miss the tubes. I can listen immediately and it warms up in just minutes anyway. Hot even, but not as bad as tubes. You also can up the power for much less cost. I might get hate mail for saying this, w... 
Question: What are some of your best pieces of advise to someone new to the hobby?
Both @johnread57 ​​​​@mrdecibel are spot on. Speakers first, and then have him listen to the music he likes and enjoys already. I'll explain why: First, speakers make more of a difference to newbie's then electronics. Second, a good friend of mi... 
Technics 1200 MK3D
I sold the technics 1200 series a while back. Good turntable. It's more of a DJ table then an audiophile one, but it's well built and the tonearm can handle most cartridges. Do not use the mixer. It will not improve the sound at all and most likel... 
1954 Klipschorn Sound Reproducer value???
Do you have two of them or just the one?  
What is your most fond musical memory.
Went to a Friend's birthday party in New Jersey back in the early 70's and he had a band he knew playing at his party. Some bearded guy sung with a backup band named the E Street Band. They were good. I heard they made it big.  
Cast into Utter Darkness
Stairway to Heaven...  
Please help me to define diagnosis of the following illness.
I sometimes go through phases, right now I am not listening to any Classical or Jazz, although I like those genre's just fine and will hop on those bandwagons for months at a time.  The only genre that seems to only last a few albums is Death Met... 
Any Experience with Furman-IT Reference 20i?
I brought a Furman 15I back in January, you can search for the thread and what I thought of it. All positive. I agree with @erik_squires - I got the 15 because I didn't have a 20amp circuit. You may want to double check that you do.  
Album Covers & Inserts
Just do a search on the album(s) and click ‘image’ on your browser, you’ll find cover art you can download and print. Amazon has plenty of album art.   
To Tone or Not to Tone, that is the question.
I have a Luxman AX590ii which has both tone controls and a loudness control, both can be bypassed. I mostly use the loudness it when I’m listening late at night at low volumes, but will sometimes use it to give the bass a boost on hard rock (I hav... 
Digital music questions
I started with a Bluesound to get into streaming: simple to hook/set up, use and operate. The built in DAC is fine, although you can in the future hook up an outboard one to the Bluesound to upgrade the sound. I myself have moved on to a Aurender... 
So you just took a gummie...What song is on the menu?
I sadly didn't see any in this thread that I haven't tried before, all good though. I'll add a few more to enjoy: Mazzy Star JJ Cale (I always thought he was better then Clapton...) David Bromberg And yeah, although I'm over 60, I'll be in my ... 
Replacing current sub with another
I have the JL110 with DSP. It was very easy to integrate with my speakers because of the DSP. Also the 10 inch woofer works well in a small size room. I do wish it could be adjusted on the fly though an app on my iPad/phone.