
Responses from david12

Now That You've Ripped Your Entire Collection...
I've kept mine, partly because of the odd copyright law in the UK. Here it is legal to rip CDs you have bought, but you have to then keep them. If you get rid of them, the rip breaches copyight law. I don't think that applies in the US. Mine are a... 
Upgrading cartridge used or new?
I have never had a suspension failure. I used a Koetsu Rosewood almost daily for 3 years and absolutely wore out the stylus, about 3000+hours. After a $250 retip, it sounded as good as new 
Upgrading cartridge used or new?
Those of us who buy second hand know, or should know, what we are doing, risking. As Ilcho says, the rewards can be very great indeed, 33% or less, of the retail price, for a cartridge not even run in yet. That's worth a bit of a gamble, for me an... 
Analog setup - do it your self or hire a pro?
The other consideration I did'nt mention, is what if you have several cartridges you swap between? I have only ever had 2 at a time, I know many of you have many more, but if you like switching for a change of scene...sound, do you really want to ... 
High Sensitivity Speakers that work best with SS
I use Daedalus too, the DA-RMas. I get the point of using 200watt SS amps with them. They are dynamic speakers anyway and putting that many what's through, gives real slam, but good amps like Modwright, also bring finesse. Having said all that I s... 
Analog setup - do it your self or hire a pro?
Yes, do it yourself, it's part of the fun. You don't need expensive kit, those mentioned above or fine. I am sure set up would be better with a Dr Feickert protractor, but it's not necessary. I am all thumbs, so if I can do it, you can. The real r... 
2013 Wish List
Glefihi I hate to rain on your parade, but I heard 2 of the more expensive Olive systems in a good high end system, Krell electronics and Kef Blades. I am afraid I was very disappointed. I thought the sound poor, flat in dynamics and stage depth, ... 
Gear vs. Music investment. What's your ratio?
I don't think it matters either, except in the case of people who have ultra expensive kit and a few test LPs/CDs. Then again, it's their money and none of my business how they spend it. I have about 2000 LPs and 1500 CDs and was clearly well out ... 
Stein Music Speaker Match
Antigrunge Can you comment on the differences between the Stein's and Bybees? The Steins are a darn sight cheaper. I have used the Walker audio speaker links for some time, with a clear, but not dramatic difference noted. As commented with the Ste... 
Upgrading cartridge used or new?
I have had no problem buying used. My best experience, a low hours Koetsu Roseawwod Signature for $950, on the gon. I used it for 3 trouble free years and sold it as used, for only a little less than I paid for it. Clearly there are risks, but tha... 
Gryphon Diablo or Accuphase E-450
Lee, I am in the UK too and am having similar thoughts. The Diabolo presumably would be from the Music Room in Glasgow. I heard it there, when I bought my current amp, the Pathos Inpol2. I could'nt really compare them, they were in different syste... 
Small but high quality integrated
The Hybrid martykl is referreing to, must be the Inpol2, pure Class A. It really is excellent. It's been my main amp for 3 years, but small it is'nt. Unfortunately some of the very best amps are'nt small. You would have more choice if small was'nt... 
The Lawyers Have Taken Over Audio
There is an interesting editorial in HiFi+ this month. It will be in the US next month. It discusses the demise if high end dealers. What Alan Sircom says, is that whatever else you lose, it is set up that is critical. You can't gaurantee that a h... 
How many watts per channel are enough?
As others have eluded to, not all watts are the same. In particular tube amps are'nt the same as SS, also SET amp watts are'nt the same as a push pull tube amp. The most suprising is SET amps. You really can drive speakers you should'nt be able to... 
Grey amplifier Imports from Japan?
Paul, that's very helpful. I will look at the sites you suggest