
Responses from david12

Sound Exposure and Potential Hearing Loss
You are right about ears being very sensitive. The easiest advice to follow as a guide, is if you go to a concert and have low grade tinnitus for a few days after, you have permanently degraded your hearing to a small degree, then a bit more next ... 
Beware purepower inc
I have used a PurePower AP 1050 for 4 years, I think, now. I have had no problems at all. Just the luck of the draw, I suppose. 
845 Tube integrated amps
I used a Viva Solista for years and was happy with it. I think new, it is now over $10000. I actually prefer the similar power output Ayon Spark I use now. Different tubes and half the price, but I prefer it's sound. 
A useful list to look out. The really outstanding albums for me are; Sara K "Waterfalls" on Stockfisch Mark Murphy "Love is what it says" Verve I use both on demos and every time I have, the dealer has kept the details to buy them himself. The mus... 
12" Tonearm What Have You Heard & Recommend?
Knowone has mentioned Ortofon. I use the 309D and am very happy with it. I have'nt used any other 12 inch arms though. An additional advantage is it's (relatively) low price. I tend to agree that the theoretical advantages of better tracking, can ... 
Best tube integrated? anyone know?
I tend to agree, the $2000 budget limits choice a bit. I use the Ayon Spark, which uses the same 623C valve as the Almarro and it's wonderful, better than the much more expensive Viva Solista, I had before. Almarro seems to be a bit of a giant kil... 
Speakers for low power tube amplifier
Some good recomendations already. I have used Living Voice, they are quite nice. I might add Silverline and Devore Fidelity, Tannoy. I use Daedalus now the DA-RMas, with a hybrid and also a 20 watt SET integrated, the Ayon Spark. They sound wonder... 
Set amps ?
I agree with Charles, 6 to 8 watts won't do it. A 20 to 25 watt SET might be enough, as benign impedence, can be more important than sensitivity, with tubes. If you go that route, it would be very important to try the amp with the Proacs and in yo... 
Recent equipment you hated, thought overpriced
Linkster Sorry about the delay in replying. Yes you are correct, origonal Stillpoints, with and without risers, compared to Stillpoint Ultra SS. Again, the biggest difference was on the turntable and there was a difference, but not, to my ears, co... 
Recent equipment you hated, thought overpriced
Zydo, no insult intended, I assure you. The point I was trying to make, is that very few things seem to be measurable, to everyone's satisfaction. We are reduced then to what works for each of us, in our own systems, perhaps backed by others opini... 
Recent equipment you hated, thought overpriced
zydo, Just what would proof about a Quantum product, any other tweak, or component for that matter, consist of? A serious query, by the way. The lack of said proof, or even clear agreement what a proof would be, makes so many of these discussions ... 
TW Raven Owners: Set Up Questions
I use a wall shelf and have tried a number of isolation feet. The problem with heavy granite slabs is the wall shelf might be overloaded. You don't want the table falling off the wall. I have used a number of feet, stillpoints, black ravioli, Herb... 
Which Integrated amps should I audition?
Depending on your power needs, if this is quite low, I can make some suggestions. I have used a Viva Solista, Lavardin IT, Karan K180, Pathos Inpol2 and Ayon Spark over the years. I use the last 2 at the moment and both are the best I have used. T... 
Which Integrated amps should I audition?
I have been using integrated amps exclusively for 10 years. I don't think you compromise on quality at all, up to say $20000, even beyond. Instead you get more bang for your bucks. The days of the integrated as an afterthought in a manufacturers r... 
Marten Design Coltrane vs Wilson Audio Watt/Puppy
What is wrong with the Audio Note speakers? They look a bit 1970's and need to be in a corner ideally, but they make a wonderful, musical sound with no edge to it. With the range of crossover upgrades, there is a speaker for most pockets. I also a...