
Responses from david12

What do you expect a reviewers system to be
I suspect many reviewers don't have a system themselves, but are using review items to make up the system. Nowone is going to make there first million as a HiFi reviewer and as others have suggested, some of the items reviewed will be beyond their... 
Any experience with Arc ref75 driving magnepans
I have had both ARC and Pass Labs in my system and both companies make some of the best, most reliable amps around. Granted tube amps are intrinsically, more likely to break down than SS, but I really can't agree with Don c55, that ARC have reliab... 
Sara K cd recommendations
All her stuff is wonderful, but Stockfisch is pretty much my favourite label for recording quality. "Waterfalls" is a simply stunning CD, for recording and music. It is one of my 2 favourite CDs in that regard. You can't go wrong with any of her s... 
Mary Chapin Carpenter and Shawn Colvin
They were over here in the UK in the Autumn, I caught their act in Birmingham. definitely a good night out. Shawn Colvin can do no wrong, for me. 
seeking Hybrid Integrated Amp recommendations
2 manufacturers making hybrid integrated amps come to mind, there may well be others, LSA and Pathos. I had great hopes for LSA when I read reviews of them, but was quite disappointed when I auditioned a second hand LSA Statement. I have a Pathos ... 
Alternative for original Wilson Sophia I Spikes
Not strictly a reply to your question, but I replaced the spikes on my speakers with Track audio isolation feet. I was truly suprised by the result, more beneficial than any other tweak I can remember. The soundstage was better defined, imqaging m... 
"What's The Best Value Speaker In $5k-$10k Range?"
I spent a long time auditioning speakers in this price range. The 2 I thought best, or my favourites, were Devore gibbon 9's and Daedalus DA-RMa and I bought the latter. Good as the Devore were, the Daedalus were signifucantly better. I think they... 
What's your view on blind testing?
I agree with those who say a long period of listening is ideal. My problem, audio memory. In my case I can only retain an impression for a short time, so I largely rely on first impressions. Changing a cartridge over for example, takes far to long... 
What reviews do you trust if any?
There are magazines and online sites, and forums like Audiogon I like. As people have said before, I use them as starting off points, for items I would look for and pay more attention to at a show. I have to say, I particularly like HiFi+, stereo ... 
Any bad experience with wilson audio sasha w/p?
The consensus, if there is one, seems to be that Wilson Sashas can sound great, with a lot of effort and the right ancillaries and recordings. That seems to be my limited experience too. As a point of principal, can any product be considered great... 
price point to move to separates vs integrated
I have been using integrated amps for years, some of the best, Viva, Lavardin, Karan and currently, a Pathos Inpol2 and Ayon Spark. I agree with all the comments suggesting integrated amps have come a long way in the last few years and can go toe ... 
Will Push-Pull Triode amp 20-25 WPC work?
I have driven 89db, I think sensitive Acoustic Zen Adagios with a 22 watt 845 SET and it worked OK. I don't think it gives your amp choice gives you much headroom, but tube amps clip in a benign way of course. I think the advice, as always, would ... 
Benz Micro Wood SL - Repair or Replacement?
If you can send to the UK, I would use Expert Stylus. Thay have retipped 3 cartridges for me, 2 Koetsus and I have been very happy with them each time. They charge £25 to look at the cartridge and see if it can be repaired and up to £250 for the r... 
Good dac to reproduce soprano vocals?
One of my vices I keep quiet about, is opera. Most of my collection is on LP, but quite a few are on CD. I have'nt auditioned many DACs, but I am very pleased with my Ayre QB9. It is very good indeed with one of my favourires, I also use for demo ... 
Magico S5 vs Tannoy Westminster Royal SE
I'm afraid I am not in the price league of being able to consider Magico speakers, but spent a long time auditioning in a top price system with Dartzeel pre and monoblocks. The rather foolish dealer was boasting that the speaker cable cost more th...