
Responses from david12

Need Help finding Speakers Budget 20,000 US
What are the costs of say a Wilson Speaker. You are paying for an expensive R and D department, a massive marketing budget, distributor and dealers profits. I wonder what percentage of a Sonus Faber or Wilson speaker is actual labour amd material ... 
Reviewing the Reviewers - and the decline of HiFi
The HiFi industry is in decline and HiFi reviewers are always positive. I would'nt argue with either statement, it does'nt mean the one follows the other. I read some of the magazines, particularly HiFi+, because it is at least literate and an int... 
ARC vsi75 versus ARC reference 75
Thanks guys, I know Lou at daedalus is sold on Modwright and I understand what he likes about them, but I just find the power amps a tad dry and solid state like. The ARC 75 has all the detail and dynamics, but just has more body, a fuller sound, ... 
Need Help finding Speakers Budget 20,000 US
Another vote for Daedalus, they are easy to drive, fast and dynamic, detailed but not etched or bright. I have had my speakers for 4 years and they are staying till one of us pegs out, probably me, as I am not made from seasoned hardwood. I agree ... 
Hearing aids change the sound of the music?
Absolutely, they have to change the sound of the music. Modern digital aides are better than the old analogue ones, heresy in HiFi circles, I know. Firstly you are going from a state of impaired hearing, usually with progressive high tone frequenc... 
Class A Watts
I tend to agree, Watts are Watts, though I find Class A is the only way for me to listen to SS amps, but that's just me. Where there does seem a difference is tube and SS watts. The former seems to handle comparitively difficult loads, beter than ... 
Do amps have a sweet spot?
To change the subject, do you think different amp technologies, or circuits, have a sweet spot in terms of rated output? To make clear what I mean, I was reading a review by Ken Kessler, of the Audio Research Ref 75 amp, which he and I too, think ... 
Ortofon SPU, cased or nude?
That is very helpful indeed. Thanks all of you 
Whats your current Reference CD at the moment?
Really some very good suggestions to follow up on here. My choices for shear quality of performance and recording, in no particular order; Sara K Waterfalls, on the Stockfisch label Mark Murphy Stolen Moments Dvorak's Russalka, the version with Re... 
Ortofon SPU, cased or nude?
I was looking to try the naked ones, if there is no performance deficit, as they are quite a lot cheaper. 
Best monitor for under $4000.00
Some excellent suggestions here. I just bought a pair of Fritz speakers, the Carbon 7's, for number 1 son. Sold direct by the manufacturer, so cuts out the cost of a retailer and very high quality drivers and cabinet construction, also available f... 
Ortofon 309 vs. SME 3012 for SPUs
I use a 309D on my TW Accustic Raven one and find it an excellent match. I chose it, because Thomas at TW uses it himself and he told me, he felt it gave 90% of the performance of a Phantom at a much cheaper price. 
VTF issues
I have the 309D and have'nt noticed the problem. It is difficult to set because the minutest change in the fine tuning wheel, seems to make big changes in weight, so you tend to overshoot the desired weight. I use a good but not uber expensive dig... 
Ortofon 309 vs. SME 3012 for SPUs
I use a 309D arm, so I figure it deserves at least one SPU in it's life. Can any users commented on the advantages, disadvantages of the bodied verses N versions of the cartridge. The latter are quite a bit cheaper. Thanks 
Audio Research Ref Phono 10 comes in at $30k
I am not sure, but I think high end companies making Uber expensive kit, may have a businiess model with which they can survive. They tend to be very small and hand make to order. They don't have large inventories and presumably no high fixed cost...