
Responses from david12

Reviewing the Reviewers - and the decline of HiFi
Psag, I think you are correct in what you say about the magazines. This may seem a daft comment, but does it matter that they are in thrall to the manufacturers? It only matters if you do'nt know this is the case. I suspect every seasoned "Audioph... 
Acoustic Zen Crescendo Mk2 or Daedalus Ulysses v2
Mtrot, The DA-RMas are no longer made, the Athena is pretty much the same model, made as a floor stander instead of a large monitor. When I auditioned at RMAF in 2009, I checked it against the Ullyses, with the same amps and rerally could'nt detec... 
New KT150 tubes?
Certainly in my Ref 75, the 120's and 150's are a straight swap, using the same bias range on the VU meters. No problems with my amp after about 50 hours use. As for ARC, I suppose you might say, why should they approve the tube swap when they wan... 
Acoustic Zen Crescendo Mk2 or Daedalus Ulysses v2
Not a direct comparison I know, but I switched from AZ Adagoios to Daedalus DA-RMAs 4 years ago and the difference was night and day. Lou's target at Daedalus is to get as near to live sound as possible and they certainly do that. They are very fa... 
cable reviews?
I agree, cables are so system dependent, you can not generalise. They have to work in your system. I can really see no reason to buy cables new. As long as they have'nt been mistreated, how can they go wrong and if you buy second hand you can rese... 
New KT150 tubes?
Smoffatt, the ARC Ref 75, you have to leave the cage off, but I agree it is good to see those tubes. I understand this is NOT true of the 150 and other models, the top can stay on. When I auditioned the Ref 75 with Wilson Duettes, I compared it wi... 
Dan D'agostino Momentum Integrated amp
Having heard the Pre and power amp with wilson Alexia at a small local show, I can imagine how good the Momentum integrated is. That demo was absolutely the best sound I have ever heard, lightening fast but no trace of edge, massive soundstage, we... 
Need Speakers to be Close to Wall $10k budget
Audio Note and Wilson Duettes spring to mind, as others have suggested. They are both designed to be used close to the wall, the Audionote's ideally in a corner. I do love the sound of both. The new duettes are pretty expensive, but I am not sure ... 
New KT150 tubes?
No, I did'nt know it was on and I don't get to the wicked city very often, it's to expensive and time consuming. Did you go? I wonder if they had ARC's new GS amp series there, not that I would be tempted to buy them, I am very happy with my amp. ... 
Your last concert was to see who and when?
Rodrigo and Gabriella in Birmingham(UK not Alabama). That certainly blew the cobwebs away. Just astonishing, dynamic guitarists 
Most Honest Audio Magazine?
I think the best you have to accept is that a magazine won't review a bad bit of kit. You could argue, what's the point? If it is useless, why waste the paper. I have spoken to reviewers and editors and they say the same. They will call a manufact... 
This might just be the end of brick and mortar
I certainly wasn't suggesting I am happy to see the end of B and M stores, just that their day may be over. I think we will all lose without them. There simply aren't enough Audiophiles around to make them viable and those who are left have adopte... 
Who do you trust?
I am not sure I trust anyone, but who reads a review and buys a piece on the basis of the review. That does'nt mean everyone is dishonest, just they have other priorities than mine. I use reviews as I think they are meant to be used, a starting of... 
This might just be the end of brick and mortar
Business models are constantly changing with the times, entrepeneurs change with it or become extinct. A good example, I live in the UK, where there is a big shift from out of town superstore groceries, to buying online and small shopping trips on... 
Audio Research preamp ratings & sound differences
I am not an ARC guru, but this is what I understand about the hierachy of recent ARC Pres. I am sure others will pile in and disagree. My understanding is the LS26 has a relatively poor response. The LS 27 however seems rated slightly above the Re...