
Responses from david12

Budget Power Cords, which brand to choose?
Thanks for all the replies. Yes I do run the ARC 75 with KT150's and as you say, they do make a difference. I am going to take my unit to the dealer I bought the amp, to compare with an SE version of the 75, with all the Caps and wiring changes. I... 
Any Daedalus Muse owners.. Need feedback.
Jmbatkh, I have the polycap version of the DA-RMA's, but not the V2. I would love to go for the upgraded version, but transport costs over the Atlantic and back to Lou, make it prohibitive. Can you comment on the changes the V2 upgrade made. Thank... 
Budget Power Cords, which brand to choose?
Thanks for your responses. John, as to the Stealth, I bought mine second hand and it has no distinguishing marks on it, but I think it is the last version of the unit, not the current one and yes, I am very pleased with it. 
Best Vinyl Bach - Solo Cello Suites recording?
I only have the Speakers Corner Starker reissue, but the sound is astonishing, never mind the technique, which is astonishing to. Definitely one of my favourite classical recordings, I can bring out to Hi-Fi doubters, to try and prove what a good ... 
Any Daedalus Muse owners.. Need feedback.
I am looking forward to your visit, but remember, my DA-RMAs are 4 to 5 year old models, current spec models with the V2 upgrade are supposed to be better, not that I am not happy with mine as they are. Lou is your man to ask how my speakers would... 
Cleaning, polishing Speaker Cabinets ?
I have a real wood Daedalus speaker, not sealed by lacquer. Lou recommends Lemon oil for his speakers and I have found it excellent, smells good too. I don't think people take enough notice of the difference. A Lacquered finish isn't really wood a... 
Buidling a Classical Library - MUST HAVES!
May I suggest a different approach, or approaches. I have been collecting classical vinyl and CDs, since the 70's and really, it comes down so much to personal taste.I am more interested in Chamber music and late 20th century Avantgard music now, ... 
Ref-75-SE delivered ...
Come to that Schubert, they pay 5 to $10000, extra for a Passat than a Skoda Superb. Same VW group, bigger, better made IMHO, just made on Czeckoslakia. I do'nt know if they are imported to the US, but my Superb is better engineered and put togeth... 
Ref-75-SE delivered ...
I don't doubt the OP's and others enthusiastic response to the SE upgrade, but I would still love to hear of anyone who has made a direct comparison of a 75SE and a 75 re tubed with KT150's, as my amp is. However good your hearing is, I question w... 
Ref-75-SE delivered ...
I won't be going for the upgrade, a year ago I would have, probably!. That's retirement for you, it certainly changes your perspective, quickly. My pension will keep me pretty well and comfortably. Well apart from last months bout of gallstone pan... 
Audio Research 75 SE
I really would be interested in a comparison of the 75SE, against a 75 with just the added KT150's and no caps changes etc. I suspect 90% of the difference is the tubes and the other upgrades are an expensive irrelevance, but it would be nice to b... 
High quality CD recordings
A number of excellent suggestions, MA, Chesky, Reference Recordings, ECM etc. The problem with many "Audiophile" labels, is they produce wonderful recordings of c--p music, step up to the Podium, Naim and Linn. There are always one or two redeemin... 
New Audio Research Reference 150 SE
If the KT150's work in the 75, 150 and 250 and they do, why do you need modifications to make the change optimal? I suspect most of the benefit is in the tubes themselves and they are cheaper to buy at Upscale Audio. You would need some brave soul... 
Floor Stander with Small Footprint 7K - 15K
A lot of good suggestions, just one to add, Daedalus Audio Athena. They look wonderful, being made from solid hardwood, not veneered and sound wonderful. Sold direct from the manufacturer, they are great value too. 
ARC Ref3 or McIntosh C2300/2500
I agree with the recommendation for the Ref 3. All I would add, is that the LS27 is a definite step up on the Ref 3, having auditioned both together and both can be found second hand. Another thought if you are looking for a "tube" midrange, is Co...