
Responses from david12

Wilson Sophia 3 vs Sabrina
I have auditioned the Sabrina's twice, once in a small show with Constellation amps and once at a dealers with quite a simple system of ARC LS17 and ARC Ref 75. On both occasions I was very impressed indeed and I am not a Wilson fan. On neither oc... 
stereo preamp $2-5K suggestions
Some excellent suggestions here, Ayre, Prima luna, though I don't know the Aesthetix. One more to consider, because of the quality and good value is Modwright. The LS 100 is very good, more what you would consider a traditional tube sound, but I c... 
The best speaker you ever heard?
Whatthe, why are you being deliberately obtuse? I did not say the speakers were sterile because I could not afford them, but because I found them "sterile". I have to repeat again, I am not aware of a qualifying number of hours of auditioning, req... 
The best speaker you ever heard?
I think you ignore my point about how one can audition speakers, if not at a show. The gold standard is a prolonged audition at home, in your own system or a friends system, which is in a settled state. I repeat, that I will not take a dealer's ti... 
The best speaker you ever heard?
Whatthe, no one is denying your right to enjoy Magico speakers, we just reserve the right to disagree. The speakers are not for us, that is all. Ours is a broad church which should allow many opinions. "Sterile" is a word I would use, in the conte... 
The best speaker you ever heard?
Am I the only person who doesn't "get" Magico speakers. I have heard them in a number of top flight systems, with Dartzeel and Constellation amplification amongst others. Dynamic, neutral, transparent, yes, yes and yes, but just to dry and sterile... 
What's your "diminishing returns" preamp choice?
I use a Passive DIY built clone of a Music First Baby reference, which is excellent for detail and transparency, but lacks the last bit of slam and dynamics. I recently bought an ex Dem Modwright 36.5, which is marginally better because of the ext... 
Any ARC GSPre owners here ?
As I understand it, from on line posts and a review of the GS pre and 150 Power amp,in the UK magazine, HiFi News, the changes are largely cosmetic. There may be differences in the sound, but they are not commensurate with the price difference bet... 
Your last concert was to see who and when?
A joint concert with Gregory Porter and Van Morrison in the open air at Blenheim Palace, a beautiful Baroque castle near Oxford in the UK. Both were excellent, I preferred Gregory Porter, what a great supporting group. Van was his usual curmodgeon... 
Slow adaptation of KT150 by amp mmanufacturers
Bifwynne You know, that was my first thought on reading this thread, before reading your post. Having installed the KT150's in my ARC Ref 75, I will pass this one by. I am still waiting for the local distributor to work out the cost of the SE upgr... 
Great female voices
So many great female singers, in no particular order: Anything by Shawn Colvin Sara K, particularly "Waterfalls", one of the best recorded CDs I have Jonatha Brooke Sara Jarosz " Build me Up from Bones" Kate Rusby, an English Folk Singer, anything... 
Any Daedalus Muse owners.. Need feedback.
Lou has very kindly suggested he could do that, but of course he is very busy. He did indeed visit in 2011 , from memory and have a few tinctures at the Pub over the road, a real ale haunt with never less than 8 barrels of very interesting beers f... 
Lavardin IT Problem
I had an IT and it doesn't have a mute or standby, from memory. Is it new for you, was it working OK before? You could look under the lid, but it may not be helpful with Solid State kit. I couldn't tell if a capacitor was blown, without a circuit ... 
Sonus Faber Olympica II Speakers
I went to a speaker day at a local dealers a month ago. One room compared Olympica 2's with Magneplan and PMC speakers,I can not remember which models. The Sonus Faber speakers were a little more expensive, but clear winners, confirmed by other li... 
Has Linn Gone Crazy? They Stopped Making Pre-Amps
By chance I went to a Linn demonstration evening in a local Pub. Unfortunately my quack says I can't drink at the moment. What do Doctors know? It did mean I could listen to what the Linn Rep was saying, not through a haze of beer. I have always a...