
Responses from david12

Datzeel vs Asr Emitter exclusive vs Devialet
I can't comment on the ASR but I compared the Devaliet and Dartzeel in a small local show, by chance, nowone else was there. They were both excellent with a digital source, but the Dart was clearly my preference, by a good margin. Neutral very det... 
Reviews of $10k plus ics, speaker wires, and pcs
As others have said, most reviewers don't seem keen on cable reviews. They seem far more subjective and system dependent than other components. Having said that, there do seem a few reviewers who seem to be trying to look at the subject systematic... 
New KT150 tubes?
It's all a bit like waiting for the college of Cardinals to elect a new Pope. Perhaps there should be a chimney in Minesota, so we can all wait outside for the puff of white or black smoke. 
Purepower APS a reliable product?
Another happy PurePower user, a 1050. I upgraded to a Bybee V2 recently, but I bought the 1050 second hand and used it for about 5 years, without any trouble and it clearly benefited ny system. Maybe I was just lucky. 
Advantages of monoblocks
I am sure quality matters and you are more likely, for the same outlay, to get better quality components in a single chassis than two. Having said that, if money is no object and I am afraid it always is an object, if you are'nt a Hedge Fund Manag... 
what cables/interconnects should I try?
There are so many cable manufacturers around now, that possible choices and synergies became impossibly large. I tend to go for what is likely to be a cost effective way of working. That for me is the small guy, selling direct with no marketing bu... 
Best phono cable for EMT 15?
I have used the Kimber with my 309D for several years and see no reason to change. I suspect synergy is more to do with matching the phono stage, than arm or table though. 
New KT150 tubes?
Can I ask a stupid question, plainly, if you are using an auto bias amp, you need a matched pair or quad of tubes. If you are using an amp, like the ARC power amps, where you have to set the bias yourself, does it matter if they are matched or not... 
Power and low volume listening - my imagination?
I get the premise here, that all things being equal, 500 watts will sound better than 50, through the same speakers, but all things are not equal. Power costs money, particularly with tubes and even 100 tube watts are going to cost a lot more than... 
High end dealers around London, UK?
Walrus is excellent, there are some excellent dealers near to London, working from home, I have bought from and trust, including: Trevor at http://www.guildfordaudio.co.uk/ Keith at http://www.angelsoundaudio.co.uk/ Absolute sounds is a distributo... 
Help me find WARM speakers a la Sonus Faber
I do like Sonus Faber. Someone mentioned the venere floorstanders, well I went to a small show this weekend, with the much smaller, cheaper, standmounts. They made a room filling, sweet, but detailed sound, just lovely. Not sure about matching wit... 
Has anyone had trouble with speed on their tt
As moonglum says, static buildup can be an issue. I never had stabilty problems, but the controller on my TW Accustic Raven one, suddenly switched to about 300 RPM, luckily, not with a stylus on the record, or that would have been toast. It was in... 
Visa Tranaction Suspended for Unusual Activity
I have had it done several times, particularly spending on the card abroad and a good thing too. Recently my card was cloned and about £16000 put on it, in short order. The card was blocked, the transactions were cancelled and I did'nt lose anythi... 
ARC or other Pre?
I am in the UK and use an ARC power amp, the reference 75. I suppose the obvious answer to that is a second hand Ref 3 pre amp, but that is still likely to be a lot more than £3000. There is another option I use and that is a passive pre. I picked... 
Most educational audition you ever had?
About 5 years ago, a demo by Roy Gregory at the UK National Audio show. It was of a good mid price system, from memory, Electrocompaniet integrated and CD player into Kef Ref standmounts. This started on a basic shelf, then progressively moved thr...