
Responses from david12

Best Cables for around $500
 Currently, as opposed to the Op date of 2011, I would add Silnote and Wywires. I have interconnects from both and Speaker cables from Wywires and consider them excellent quality and value. The benefits of being a one man band without a massive ma... 
Audio Research Ref. 3, Ref. 5, or the Ref. 5se.
 Conventional wisdom, is that the Ref 5, is'nt a great advance on the 3, but the 5SE was a big step up. The logic of that is, if the 5SE is to expensive, which it would be for me, then choose the Ref  3. I have to say, I have heard the 3 and 5 SE,... 
Swiss amps. Worth the price?
To be boring about finance, Swiss prices have always been high, but much higher since their Central Bank gave up the fight and abandoned the fix to the Euro, last year I believe. The Swiss Franc has shot up since then. To get back to HiFi, the onl... 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
I agree with many of the comments, particularly "what is expensive?" In the context of my modest system, a $50000+ cable loom of Crystal Cable Dreamline or Nordost Odin say, would be insane, but in a $500000 system, maybe not. It is quite another ... 
£15k $22k to spend on speakers...but which?
Some good ideas here. I am seeing more references to Aries Cerat speakers. I had never heard of them till recently, they do look interesting. Reading reviews, they suggest a recent Aries speaker at half the price, sounds better, I think it is $110... 
What's a contender to an Audio Reference 5 SE?
To go back to the original question, I must say I do like the ARC Ref 5SE, but not the price. I believe ARC do better Power than Pre Amps, just my view. The Ref 75SE I use, is remarkably good. Some excellent suggestions re alternative Pre Amps, on... 
best transparent pre amp
If you are looking for transparency above all else, then a Passive seems the best route. I tried out a number in a mini shoot out and was surprised how different they were. I was expecting more variation in Active Pre's, with, by definition more c... 
Disappointing audition after great review
Anyone who buys kit on the basis of a review, deserves all they get, but I am sure 99% of people don't do that. They are a general guide to what you should consider auditioning yourself. I can think of a number of items I acquired that way, all of... 
Best value in pre-owned preamps right now?
Another bid for Modwright, though I use the 36.5. I also auditioned the cheaper 100 model, which was also excellent. A little more "tube like", that is some warm colouration, but very good. I compared the 36.5 with an ARC Ref 3 pre, which is more ... 
ARC ref 210 vs ref 150
I recently took my Ref 75, which I had retubed with KT 150's, back to the dealer for upgrade to SE status. Fortunately, the distributor OK'd doing the SE upgrade without the cost of new ARC 150's. I was able to compare my Ref 75 with KT150's, with... 
Anyone Compared ARC Ref 75SE and 75 With KT150
Yes it did and yes it was Guilford Audio. I was speaking to Trevor yesterday and he was very impressed by the 250SE. He thought you couldn't tell it from a large SS amp, in terms of grip and base control. It goes without saying it should best a SS... 
Anyone Compared ARC Ref 75SE and 75 With KT150
I took my 75 to have the SE upgrade, to my dealer today. I was able to compare a run in 75SE, with my 75, re tubed with KT150's, but otherwise unmodified. It was with a CD6 CD player, Ref 5SE and Wilson Sabrinas I didn't have hours to make the com... 
Dan D'Agostino Momentum amplifier- which preamp?
You guys are breathing air at a higher altitude than me, but what is the problem with the D'Agostino Pre, apart from price of course? I have heard the D'Agostino amps on a number of occasions and the best demo I have ever heard was his Pre and Mon... 
Anyone Compared ARC Ref 75SE and 75 With KT150
I have the 75 with KT150's at the moment. I will be taking it to my dealers in a couple of weeks, hopefully for an A/B comparison with his demo 75SE. I will report back when I have been. In answer to Oregonpapa's post, I have had no problems with ... 
Wilson Sophia 3 vs Sabrina
Not questioning Max's experience, but the first time I listened to the Sabrina's, was in a really large hotel conference suite. The system did not seem to have a problem filling the room with sound.