
Responses from david12

Considering Wilson or Sonus Faber floor standing over my Rockport monitors & Wisdom Sub
Like Bubba12, I was surprised at no mention of the Wilson Sabrina speakers. I have heard them for prolonged auditions on cheaper Constellation amps and the ARC Ref 75, which I use. They really did sound very good in both systems and they are small... 
Preamp recommendation please..
I agree with adg101, re the Modwright 36.5  and ARC. I use an ARC 75 SE power amp and very much like the ARC pre's, but I think they are expensive at full retail. I bought the 36.5 and it is staying where it is. I compared it to the ARC Ref 3, not... 
When is your Hifi good enough?
Like Chayro, my upgrades stopped when the money ran out, or rather, I retired. You can always improve on a system, but if you have chosen wisely, then I believe in the old rule, that you need to double the cost of a component, to really improve th... 
Retipping Cartridges - How Much of the Original Sound Signature Do You Lose?
I have had many retips and have always been pleased. The problem with comparison, is being able to remember back 3 to 6 weeks, what the original cartridge sounded like. I have to say it is beyond me. 
What used speaker would you buy with $20,000-$35,000 and why?
"Hookers and Coke" Now you are in a whole new range of decisions. I assume you would go for top of the line Columbian Marching Powder, but the Hookers, do you go for quantity or quality? You see it is not so simple. Perhaps we should start a new t... 
Audio Research discontinuing lower lines components?
I am afraid prices for all High End companies are rising exponentially and I am sure it is at least in part, due to a small turnover. Like it or not, our hobby is dying on it's feet, with fewer and fewer people interested in setting up a decent sy... 
When did good gear start getting your attention?
1977 I think, I was a late developer, then a LONG hiatus while the kids were arriving and growing. I restarted in about 1998.I would be interested if anyone, who had a family, managed to maintain,  maybe develop and LISTEN to a HiFi system, in tho... 
Can a name make you or break you in the Audio World
I know how important this subject is in other industries. The car industry has made some real howlers in naming cars and not considering the meaning in every main language, which I understand they all do as a matter of course now. I am not sure it... 
Where did you sink the most cash into?
Speakers-Amp- Pre-Turntable/tonearm-Cables-Streaming source/DAC-Power Conditioner-Tweeks-Stand, in descending order. With the condition that CDs and LPs come a long way first, but much less painfully as they were acquired over 30 years.  
Honesty of the Reviewers
I will second Plato's response. Several things seem inescapable when you consider this question dispassionately:1) Good reviews matter a lot to manufacturers and they will do all they can to avoid bad ones, which do more harm than a good review, b... 
Cables and reviewers
I don't have much sympathy with reviewers, but if I was one, cables would be my least favourite assignment. Just because, as others have said, cables are so system dependent, advice becomes meaninglessThat doesn't mean all cable manufacturers sell... 
So you've just heard speakers that blew you away
I start from the principal that I will not buy a component that won't fit into my current system, at least adequately. That is in terms of specs, will my current amp drive the speakers for example. Then I would normally get the speakers into my sy... 
Speakers that are very accurate sounding but don't produce an emotional connection.
I have felt this is a problem with many "High End" speakers for many years and I agree with Rhyno, that the amp is to blame, in many instances. A particular example of this is Wilson speakers. I find their sound unlistenable with most SS amps, the... 
Tube preamp reliability vs SS?
As others have said, Tube Pre's tend to go forever, before tubes need replacing. Once you have heard tubes in the Pre or Power amp, there is no going back, as far as I am concerned. It is tempting fate to say this, but I have never had a problem w... 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
I get quite dramatic differences in sound reproduction with different companies and price points. I have come to believe that Power Cables are as important as anything, even on kit you might not expect to respond. I was frankly astonished at the e...