

Responses from daveyf

First tube preamp recommendations (under $5k)
If you can find a used CAT preamp in your budget, I would suggest you strongly consider it. 
Rockport Atria II or Magico A5
Looking at the remarks in the measurement section of the Stereophile review of the A5's by JA, I see that he mentions that the speaker needs to be connected to an amp that has no problem driving a 2 ohm load! I wonder how many amps this rules out??  
Gimbal vs unipivot tonearms
@mijostyn  Air bearing arms are not worth talking about?? I wouldn't state that to any of the many owners of the Eminent Tech arm...an arm that I still feel can compete with some of the best available today. 
Sinatra Sing and Dance with Frank Sinatra on Impex vinyl
I would have to say your friend’s opinion is not popular. I also have a friend who owns various copies, including the MoFi, he tells me the MoFi is far superior to all the others, including his originals. I have heard the same opinion from other f... 
Sinatra Sing and Dance with Frank Sinatra on Impex vinyl
Thanks. Anyone own the MoFi version of Sinatra at the Sands, seems like it may be the one to go for? 
Gimbal vs unipivot tonearms
IME all designs have their issues. The above mentioned Well Tempered ( which I own and very much like) has an issue with its adjustability and its front/back stability (although this has not proven to be a sonic detriment that I can hear). The uni... 
You pay for it and you get it...
@skanda   What size is your room? The room I heard the Alexx V's in was about 30' X 45'..with a 10' ceiling. Yes, I think volume also matters.If your room is say 20' x15' as a minimum, I would think that would work...much less and you are then sho... 
Old Amps that can still Kick Butt
@douglas_schroeder Your admiration for Class D ICE amps does indeed tell us how we listen differently! The best Class D amp I have heard is the current Rowland model 925 mono block, and I would not swap my modded Rowland model 8T for it under any ... 
Phono preamp for new Klimax LP12
The latest model Klimax comes with the Urika 11, which is a digital based device. Having heard the Urika's ( both original and new), I would say that a great phono stage would be an easy upgrade over both versions. The Luxman EQ-500 is a very good... 
Old Amps that can still Kick Butt
@douglas_schroeder  Your admiration of Class D amps is interesting. Have you heard some of the better amps mentioned in this thread? My example of the ARC D70Mk2 or the M100's for instance...each of these shows up all of the bleached and bright so... 
Old Amps that can still Kick Butt
@ebm I don’t think the Rowland 8T is really an ’old amp’. The OP seems to be looking for amps from a much older generation. The Rowland can indeed compete well today, and yes it is a classic and exceptional. Probably more in line with the OP’s que... 
Old Amps that can still Kick Butt
@ebm  +1 
Beatles Vinyl Mono Box..do you have one?
The Beatles mono box is a really great listen. I was planning on buying multiples of it, but instead I told all my a'phile friends to buy one. They are all quite happy now. Nonetheless, it was available for a long time, and didn't seem to sell out... 
Tube vs. Solid State Amplifiers
Tubes and ss amps both have their pluses and minuses. IME, tube amps tend to give one a better ’gestalt’ of the music, while ss amps tend to be a little more controlled and in some ways ’predictable’ as to their presentation. Where i do think ss a... 
recommended power tube amplifier for vivid kaya 45 speakers
@haimr One of the better amps for the Vivid’s seems to be the ss Luxman line, that is what the previous distributor would demo them with, and they had great synergy. I like Rowland amps as well, although my experience with the Vivid/Rowland match ...