

Responses from daveyf

An Informal Assessment of Anti Cables
2chnlben, I think if you look at my system pictures you will see what truebi-wiring looks like... two(2) cables per channel and from an amp that has two(2) parallel outputs per channel to a speaker that has the ability toaccept a bi-wire input. Ha... 
What is the best arm for a Linn Soundeck 12
Not very common these days, but my Well Tempered arm works very well on my Linn.The WTA arm is light enough not to bother the suspension of the table andthe benefits of no bearing on the arm are substantial IMHO. 
New Guarneri Memento vs. Old Guarneri Homage
French fries, I doubt anything is 'seriously wrong at Sonus Faber'. Instead, I suspect that like many Co's in this economy, they decided to do some cost cutting.I would suggest that you try and hear for yourself the differences between the GH and ... 
New Guarneri Memento vs. Old Guarneri Homage
Semi,I agree that the BAT amps are very nice..BUT I am still curious as to the sizeof the room that you heard the GH's in? Your prior comment that the GH's sounded 'closed in' would indicateto me that there was something very amiss in your set-up ... 
what percentage of us really knows sound
The sound of a live instrument is IMHO a long way away from what even the best equipment can recreate. As a test of this, i can take my Taylor (acoustic steel string guitar) and play just one note to most any listener, experienced or not, and that... 
What speaker cables for vintage equipment
Thanks so far for the suggestions. Cutting off the existing spades is not an option, I need the cables for another amp that works well with these.Does anyone know of a company that makes a spade or ? that will fit thebarrier strips and that will a... 
Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage and Single Ended Triod
Cary 805 AE's will probably be a GREAT match for the GH's. Please post your findings once you have a chance to hear them. 
Power requirements for Acoustat 2+2s
I used to own Acoustat 3's with the c mods and drove them fine with a Hafler 220, which if I remember was 100 watts per channel. The Hafler wasn't a great amp IMHO but it drove the stats to any level I desired. 
Bi amping using ss amp and tube amp..
Hi Rodman99999 and Ngjockey. Thanks for your replies; this is what I was wandering about. Given a x-over is required,I probably will simply use the tube amp as a stand alone and the ss as the same for now. 
Anyone using KT88's in D series ARC gear?
Hi Lostbears and Rrog, Thanks for the info. I think it is wise not to modify the amp after what you have said. I too believe the amp is truly a classic and I agree with what you are saying.I may send it to ARC for the repairs, although they are ve... 
Anyone using KT88's in D series ARC gear?
Hi Lostbears, Thanks for the input. I think the two large Caps may need replacement as they are all original. The speaker strips seem designed for bare wire or? Anyhow, like you say they are a real problem. I will probably have someone replace tho... 
Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage and Single Ended Triod
Well guys, i have decided to try a vintage ARC D-70 with the GH's.Not sure on how this combo will play out, but will soon find out.Will also try a 300B amp as well, if I can get my hands on one. 
Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage and Single Ended Triod
Poorguy, do you have any idea how efficient the B&W S805 is?The Sonus Faber GH's are pretty inefficient, on the order of 84- 86db I believe.I would suspect that any speaker below 89db efficiency may not be a very good match for low powered sin... 
Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage and Single Ended Triod
I wander if anyone else has any experience driving relatively inefficient speakers with low powered 300B amps? Thoughts? 
What cables to replace Highwire's with?
Clio09, While I totally agree with you, I doubt any audio writer for any of the well known audio mags would agree with you. You don't prescribe to theiropinions? ..:0)