

Responses from daveyf

Mepearson has a very good point. I just went through this exercise with my ARC D70. Luckily, my amp doesn't weigh as much as a VT100, nonetheless, as I watched my tech do the bias procedure and check balances etc., it occurred to me that ARC must ... 
any audiophile guitarists out there?
Kijanki, I think with the Taylor vs. Martin discussion, that Martins are a little less able to bloom than Taylors but maybe do have a little more punch in the bottom end. I personally like my 810 better than say a D28, but like you say both are to... 
any audiophile guitarists out there?
Kijanki, so are you agreeing with me and you are just tired or burnt out or ?I don't really understand your post as to why you are on the one hand saying you have lost interest and have no ability, yet on the other hand state you are a beginner an... 
any audiophile guitarists out there?
Kijanki, One of the things that I have learnt over the years of playing is that it is FAR FAR harder to get a good sound out of a poor instrument than a great instrument... Which is why I suggested that you go and play a couple of good instruments... 
any audiophile guitarists out there?
Kijanki,I would suggest that you go to a local guitar shop and play a Fender Strat or a Tele or a real Gibson Les Paul; Once you pick up one of these and play a few notes, you may re-consider. If not, well so be it, you will then notice that one o... 
any audiophile guitarists out there?
Kijanki, One of my modellers is a Vox Tonelab. It has the ability to model various amps, pedals, cabinets etc. I used to own a Line6 Pod v2, which IMHO is very limited and sounds much worse than the Tonelab. However, I have never used a modeller t... 
Magico V-2 vs. Sonus Faber Guarneri Mementos
Haven't heard the Magico V2's, BUT a few years ago we did an 'AB' of the originalMagico Minis vs. The original GH's. All preferred the GH's by a wide margin. In my room which is appx. the same size as yours, the GH's just worked a lot better. Have... 
any audiophile guitarists out there?
Good eye Kijanki... I own a Rowland model 8 and a Roland Microcube, amazinglyI think that the Roland might be the louder of the two..:0) 
any audiophile guitarists out there?
I've been playing for over 30 years..oops that kind of dates me.I love my Fender natural ash American Tele, Eric Clapton Blackie Strat with noiseless pup's and my Taylor 810. I use a Mesa Boogie Tremoverb with 2 12" Celestion Vintage's running Sve... 
What's up with winged c 6550's?
Mamad and Btstrg, Thanks for the help. Apparently, the tubestore.com has these tubes. Ctech has a few BUT no singles... 
Matching preamp to amp
Well guys, I hooked up the ARC today and it worked very well with the CAT.Unfortunately after about 20 minutes there was a VERY loud cracking soundand i think one of the tubes ARC'ed ( pun intended).( Luckily I managed to mute the output before it... 
Matching preamp to amp
Thanks Rrog, I haven't yet tried the CAT/ARC combo, but should be able to nextweek.I will post as to the results.My current setup of CAT/Jeff Rowland model 8 works very well together, although I can set the input impedance on the model 8 to accomm... 
Matching preamp to amp
Rrog, I am not worried about the fact that the CAT has enough output todrive the ARC, instead I am concerned that it has way too much output.The ARC is rated at 0.95 volts to drive it to full power... Since the CAT has the ability to drive 50 volt... 
Matching preamp to amp
Hi Al,Thanks, that is what I think I need.DaveyF 
Matching preamp to amp
Al, I think that the problem may be that the preamp has far more outputthan the amp needs to reach full power. The CAT has the ability to swing 7 volts at its output whereas the ARC is at full power with just 0.95 volt. Therefore, i am concerned t...