

Responses from daveyf

Integrated amp for my Sonus Faber Guarneri
D.i,l,e, with that kind of a budget for a used preamp, I think you should have a very good selection. I personally really like the CAT preamps, IMHO, they are superior to the BAT preamps and most any other tube preamp you can name ( including most... 
Integrated amp for my Sonus Faber Guarneri
D.i.l.e--- I have heard most of the BAT preamps, including the 32SE. I think that the 32SE would be a much better match to the GH's than the C2200. YMMV.Audition with your amp first if possible. 
Integrated amp for my Sonus Faber Guarneri
Hi D.I.L.E....glad that you are now considering keeping the GH's with a sub.I do agree with Jman as well, when he says the GH's like tubes.( which is why I use a CAT preamp and swap in the ARC amp). If you can get your hands on a tube pre-amp or a... 
Integrated amp for my Sonus Faber Guarneri
Deaf, You should look to the preamp... as I said before, as the culprit regarding your "smallness" of the soundstage! Luckily, I am familiar with the Mac C-40 and therein lies your problem. Pity you were changing amps, but didn't think to change p... 
Integrated amp for my Sonus Faber Guarneri
Deaf, reading the Stereophile review of the idecco, it appears that you need to use the fixed output option for the idecco. The follow up specs by JA were also interesting. To my mind, reading between the lines, JA seemed to think that the DAC was... 
Integrated amp for my Sonus Faber Guarneri
Deaf, something just occurred to me, are you using a pair of Guarneri Hommage or are you using a pair of Guarneri Memento's? The Memento's are still part of the current line up...the Hommage's are not. It seems a little odd that the dealer you are... 
Integrated amp for my Sonus Faber Guarneri
Deaf, just to follow up on the article in Stereophile about the idecco. Art Dudley, the reviewer, suggests and uses the USB input from his Mac to the idecco. He also has various other suggestions that you might want to review about the hookup of t... 
Integrated amp for my Sonus Faber Guarneri
Hi Deaf, I would suggest an S/Pdif on Coaxial if you have the ability to connect that way.A digital co-ax would be highly preferable to the Toslink. I use a Harmonic Tech Platinum digital cable that seems to be a good connection as an example of a... 
Review: Sonus Faber Guarnieri Homage Speaker
Thank you jd_df. I would recommend that when you get back home, that you give the SF's that will most likely match your room and budget a listen. Matching to the room is probably the most important aspect in speaker selection. Many times, a smalle... 
Integrated amp for my Sonus Faber Guarneri
Deaf_in_left_eye, I can't talk for the other posters, but when I talk about your front end, I am referring to your source components. The Toslink connection IMHO, needs to be tossed (pun intended). I'm not sure that the imac with flac files is the... 
Amps for Sonus Faber Stradivari Homage
Microstrip, if it's in the budget, you might want to wait for the release of the Jeff Rowland Model 925 monos. I think Rowland amps mate very well with SF's. The model 925 promises to be really something special. 
Integrated amp for my Sonus Faber Guarneri
Hi Onemug, I agree with what you say about a sub. However, don't you think that in a room as small as Deaf's and mine that a sub is likely to overload the room and cause more problems than good?I have actually heard the Yamaha's that deaf is refer... 
Integrated amp for my Sonus Faber Guarneri
Deaf_in_left_eye.I agree with most everything that Lloydelee21 has said. Without a doubt, the GH's are NOT going to plumb the depths of music reproduction. As I said before, they fall off fairly drastically below about 50hz. A sub would be a very ... 
Integrated amp for my Sonus Faber Guarneri
Deaf_in_left_eye, I think that as I have said before, you are simply NOT hearing the GH's for what they can do.As we talked about before, the other equipment that you are using is just not in the same league as the GH's! What you are now listening... 
Think I want a tube system?
Umm Unsound, I think that you may be a little confused... SET's are amps(usually)and my argument is that the Preamp section is more important. Sure SET wouldn't drive Apogees; BUT then neither would most any other tube amp or ss amp for that matte...