

Responses from daveyf

When are speakers considered Hi-Fi and not Mid-Fi???
Question one could ask is why would anyone care what someone else labels a system? Personally, if I hear a piece of equipment that brings me closer to what I hear live and in an unamplified setting, I don’t really care what the label is that someo... 
Is there a difference between Linn LP12 lingo 1 vs lingo 2 other than the case?
@robob  Lingo 4 is contained in a much thinner box (slimline) than any of the other Lingo's.   
Best Forum to hear experienced audiophiles exchange thoughts?
@rooze WBF is actually a good example of a site that is run to enable all of the points that I stated in my prior post. One of the owners has consistently pushed products, that he happens to also represent, onto his members. You think their moder... 
Best Forum to hear experienced audiophiles exchange thoughts?
Having been on a number of different audio forums, one thing that is clearly a consistent, is that the forum owners usually have an agenda. ( and it has nothing to do with hobbyists talking about audio).Some want to make it a money making tool, ot... 
Is it possible for a high end manufacturer to overprice their goods?
One of the common themes of this thread are posts that state that high end is 'over priced'. While we may believe that, perhaps it is not over priced and is in fact priced at a point that the various vendors know their goods will sell. Since the o... 
Why are People Dumping their Audio Research Gear and What Does it Say about them?
Apparently a ‘white knight’ has stepped in and rescued the company! This is certainly welcome news. No word on who stepped up to the plate, but I wish them well.  
Is it possible for a high end manufacturer to overprice their goods?
@patrickwilison   Clearly 'overpriced' is a relative term. But, I think we are not so much taking about an 'overpriced' item here, as one that is so costly that even the most well heeled a'phile will balk at the price... Therefore, my OP was ques... 
Is it possible for a high end manufacturer to overprice their goods?
@mitch2  An excellent question. I think it is possible that a speaker can do great dynamics and drive and, when called upon, can also excel at detail and nuance. I recently listened to a new pair of Wilson Alexx V’s, that seemed to fit that bill, ... 
Audio Research in Receivership.
@jetter.  While it is expected that ‘sophisticated’ financial analysis was done before purchasing ARC, I very seriously doubt that this did much if anything to the continuation of a successful business. How many times have we seen folk pay multi m... 
Is it possible for a high end manufacturer to overprice their goods?
I would agree that rock does seem to hold a certain challenge to many high end speakers, regardless of the price. Most of the time, I don’t hear it played back well on speakers that are great for jazz or classical. Question becomes as to whether t... 
What would cause noise (ground noise?) when touching the volume control and tone controls?
@tubeguy76   Since you confirmed that your preamp is a tube preamp, it would be instructive to know what make and model and also the tube compliment that it uses. While a grounding problem is likely, my suggestion about a tube issue is also possib... 
Is it possible for a high end manufacturer to overprice their goods?
@kokakolia While my thread was asking about the very top end pricing in audio, I am interested in your points about the area below high end...commonly called mid-fi, or even mass produced low end gear. I think today, unlike in years past, there a... 
What would cause noise (ground noise?) when touching the volume control and tone controls?
@tubeguy76 Might want to experiment with swapping tubes around. See if that does away with the issue. I had this exact problem with my tube preamp, and with some tube swapping was able to zero in on the offending tube. Sometimes tapping on the tub... 
What would cause noise (ground noise?) when touching the volume control and tone controls?
If your preamp is a tube unit, it could be that you have a microphonic tube in the circuit, resulting in what you describe. If ss...not applicable.  
Audio Research in Receivership.
Since the market for high end gear is world wide, and not just limited to a certain demographic and location, that would seem to be what has been holding up the industry.  However, ARC has some serious competition due to this world wide market, m...