

Responses from daveyf

Linn Ittok lvii Mk. II upgrade to Origin Live or ?
I think matching most arms to the LP12 is very much a hit and miss biz. IMO, most of the super arms today aren't going to work on the table. Probably the best, if you can find one, is the Naim Aro. I would suspect that the OL's are going to be too... 
Jeff Rowland or Mark Levinson???
I've owned Jeff's model 8 with choke for about 20 years now and it still brings a smile to my face. VERY few ss amps can compete with it even today...20 years later! 
Tube or solid state for Sonus Faber Amati Homage
Gomerpile1, I think that the SF Homage line likes tube amps with a little drive capability. My SF GH's are a match made in heaven with my ARC D70Mk2 tube amp. They are also great with my ss Rowland, but that amp has 250 watts/ch!I have heard the M... 
Jeff Rowland tour fascinates
I've talked to Jeff on a few occasions, always a very interesting and pleasant conversation.IMO, he and his company is still at the pinnacle of audio. 
The Problem with Synergistic Research
Sabai, your'e nothing if not consistent...Like I said in the other thread: You always state your OPINION as a matter of fact that applies to all of us!Now your'e unloading on SR cables....I have NO affiliation with SR cables BUT sure find it inter... 
ARC's new REF-75
When I visited the ARC room with the REF 75 on Friday, I had the same basic impression as Keith. The amp was certainly not bad, OTOH it wasn't as great as I had expected. The mids seemed to me to be lacking in the midrange magic that my older D70M... 
12AX7 preamp tube failure last night
Hi Bill, I have a Vox Tonelab, which i think uses a similar circuit to your AD50VT and uses one 12ax7 tube. Vox uses the tube more as a tone control than anything else ( as a driver for example) in the circuit. I have rolled the tube with various ... 
Defunct Company Gear Value
Good example of prices dropping after a Co. goes out of business are the Hales speakers that I used to own...Paul Hales closes up shop and the next day the speakers dropped in value by at least 70%! Same for numerous cable manufacturers that have ... 
REL T1 or T5? apples to oranges?
Tigagig, I am using a T5 in my system and am very happy with it. It will need some tweaking and some patience to get it right, but once it's dialed in, I do think in a small-medium sized room it's a great piece.BTW, it will easily rattle your wind... 
SS or Tube for Sonus Faber Concertino?
Hl10027, There are several answers to your question. If you own an amp that is NOT an integrated amp, then you will need a control unit ( preamp) to drive the amp. Integrated amps are integrated because they include the amp and the preamp in one c... 
Thoughts on Audio Research D70
Johnsonwu, I actually have not owned the D70mk2 for more than about 18 months. However, I am pretty enamored of this amp and would recommend it to anyone thinking of a great mid powered tube amp. BTW, I have a feeling that Dick Olsher is into good... 
Thoughts on Audio Research D70
Johnsonwu, good to see that you like your modded D115. I feel this way about my D70Mk2 and IMHO it's one of the best soundingARC amps. I have a feeling that this is why Dick Olsher bought one too!A stone cold classic! 
Jadis Da50S and Sonus Faber
Acalex, I would think this would be a very good combo. Depending on the size of your room and how loud you like to listen. I drive my SF GH's with a 65 watt/ch Arc D70Mk2 and have no problem in my small room making the GH's sing. 
SS or Tube for Sonus Faber Concertino?
IMO, a tube amp with a tube preamp would be my suggestion with the Concertino's.Depending on budget, a used ARC amp/preamp or the ARC tube integrated...the ARC VSi60. 
Thoughts on Audio Research D70
I was reading the new Absolute Sound today and noticed that Dick Olsher just acquired a D70Mk2.. He comments that the D70mk2 has "glorious midrange" in a review of the CJ mono amps. I totally agree with him in this statement.