

Responses from daveyf

Is EAD still relevant
I have a EAD DSP7000 Mk3 and while it is still a good DAC, it probably is easily outdone by some of the current DSD DAC's on the market. Some of which are not terribly pricey.I'm going to be looking into some of these DAC's in the near future and ... 
Tube amplifier to power Sonus Faber speakers?
Here's my suggestion and for a LOT less money than the ARC Ref 75....see if you can source an ARC D70 Mk1, or better still, a Mk2. With my SF's, the D70 Mk2 makes beautiful music. If you think you may need more power ( which I would doubt), then l... 
Subwoofer match for Harbeth 30.1
Bob, you might try a REL T5. I use this sub with my SF GH's, as the sub can keep pace with these speakers. Perfect blend down to about 35Hz. If you have a small to medium size room, I think the T5 would be a very good match up with the Harbeth 30.... 
upgrade advice from a Linn LP12
Jim, If you wish to switch from 33 to 45 rpm easily, any of the Lingo power supplies will allow you to do that. I replaced my Valhalla with a Radikal power supply and motor, which while more costly than a Lingo, was a MAJOR step up in SQ.There are... 
upgrade advice from a Linn LP12
Bpoletti, when was the last time you listened to a current spec LP12??Your comment tells me that it's been a while, LOL. 
upgrade advice from a Linn LP12
Jim, I think you have asked a question that depends on your definition of "improvement".Your current TT is very good, IMO. I was faced with a similar question last year, and went the Linn upgrade route with a new bearing, sub chassis, power supply... 
Mobile Fidelity Surface Noise
Dnath, actually I am talking about the Kenny Burrell Midnight Blue album.The recording on this one is superb, BUT the pressing that I have is noisy. 
Mobile Fidelity Surface Noise
Interesting how so many of us expect a'phile re-issues to sound great...and why wouldn't we? However, we fail to consider the original recording source and quality of the original tape. Many times, that quality is going to be subpar. Unfortunately... 
JL Labs vs. REL
I don't think the new series of REL are in any way inferior to the older series. I actually think the connector's, the cabinet finish and in fact the overall sound is superior. Obviously, YMMV. 
A problem solved.
Here's the thing Mofimadness, some of these little Bluetooth speakers hit WAAAY above their pay grade! ( like you said, they kick ASS). The UE is definitely in that group. Like you, I cannot believe how much sound comes out of this little box.Whic... 
"New" Beatles Mono Catalog Release on 180gr Vinyl
Great Stereo recording vs. Great Mono recording... I know which I would prefer to listen to--and it isn't the Mono.However, I'm not saying the Mono is bad... All IMHO. 
"New" Beatles Mono Catalog Release on 180gr Vinyl
I listened to Revolver again last night. It really is a superb LP. However, I think it is important to note that since it is mono, it has all of the "deficiencies" of mono. If you reference a great stereo LP against a great mono LP ( like this Bea... 
Distortion with ARC Ref 150 and Maggie 3.7
Zd542, Thank you for your retraction. All good. 
Distortion with ARC Ref 150 and Maggie 3.7
Ralph, that would seem to have been a smart thing to do. Pity other companies failed to see or take that path. 
Distortion with ARC Ref 150 and Maggie 3.7
Pakwong, Congrats on the JL5. I think it will put the ARC to shame.Great amp and a perfect match for the CAT preamp.