

Responses from daveyf

linn sondek tt
@tzh21y   why do you think that there are problems with the Linn set up....when we have folks considering the set up by looking at You Tube videos...Yikes! You now state that the LP12 Radikal was better, but it cost more?? Shouldn't it be better i... 
linn sondek tt
@stringreen   Now we are getting somewhere with you. The truth comes out, LOL. 
linn sondek tt
@cd318  Once again another opinion from someone who probably doesn't own a Linn! Having owned one of these tables in various forms over the last thirty years, I have never had a problem with it 'drifting' out of set up. Not once! Linn owners who h... 
linn sondek tt
 @stringreen  Please tell me how you moved your Linn once the set up was completed. What protocol, if any did you use. There is a way to transport a suspension based table, fail to do that and all bets are off. Plus, again, I am assuming that the ... 
linn sondek tt
@whart It is true, I am an advocate of the Linn table, simply because I do not like to see this excellent table decried by folks who really have little to no experience with the most recent versions. Instead, what I see are folks who are putting i... 
linn sondek tt
 @tzh21y   I guess it depends where you are located. I do know that Linn are now handling distribution in the States themselves. Could it be that the so called local rep isn’t able to demo for you. Since Linn are taking over, it doesn’t surprise m... 
linn sondek tt
  @stringreen What you stated tells me that your LP12 was never set up correctly in the first place. Once set up correctly, the table does not ‘drift’ or any such thing. Pure and utter myth. Now, how you transported it home, well that’s another qu... 
linn sondek tt
@tzh21y Linn themselves are now handling all US distribution. If your ’distributor’ is 5 minutes from your house- and won’t let you hear one of the tables, it is most likely because this fellow is NO LONGER a rep!Perhaps contact Linn at the UK web... 
linn sondek tt
@tzh21y Are you another one of these guys who knows very well the sound of the LP12, but unfortunately has never heard one??I suspect that is exactly the case here, otherwise you wouldn’t be posting what you did. The Rega rp6 is very strident...as... 
Do 45 rpm 12" LPs really sound better than 33 rpm?
@edgewear  You posted what you did seconds after my post, which i think addresses why MM did what they did. I don't think MM went back to 33 to reduce cost, but I do think they did this to allow for more people to buy the titles ( not everyone can... 
Do 45 rpm 12" LPs really sound better than 33 rpm?
Agree with Mike L...if all else is equal, the 45rpm will typically sound better. However, is all else is not equal, then all bets are off! As an example, i own several excellent Music Matters Blue Note reissues on the 45 and the 33 label. The 33 i... 
JC3+ With Kleos SL?
Once again, it seems that the OP had made up his mind before starting this thread. Good for him, I’m off this thread now. 
JC3+ With Kleos SL?
Ok, here’s my question for the OP and lewm.Why do you think that Lyra and the distributor both recommend a phono stage with at least 65db of gain, vs one that has 64db of gain? Could it be that they know something that lewm doesn’t?  
JC3+ With Kleos SL?
@lewm. The interaction with my preamp and amp were not an issue, the preamp I utilized at the time had no problem with a cartridge that was spec’d at 0.35mv. I agree there are several issues that can crop up that affect the outcome of the pairing,... 
New Sonus Faber Electa Amator 3...anybody heard these yet?
The EA2’s were a good speaker, I think the EA3’s have the potential to be a much better speaker. Should be interesting to see if that holds true. I would very much like to hear it myself, and to see if anyone has actually heard it yet?