

Responses from daveyf

linn sondek tt
@tzh21y Listening to Magico speakers and comparing them to Linn speakers would lead to your conclusions. Unfortunately, you came to the incorrect conclusion about the table,but not about the rest of the Linn gear. 
linn sondek tt
 @rwwear  Why, because he should be accepting of the fact that most a’philes are ok with being fleeced...and that is part of the hobby! I’m not saying the Linn is way overpriced, but the majority of gear in the hobby seems to fall into that catego... 
Lyra Kleos vs Koetsu Urushi
@syntax Since when does higher output have anything to do with increased resolution? With that logic, all MM’s would always be more resolving than lower output MC’s! Unfortunately, that’s not the case. 
linn sondek tt
@rmwear   Agreed the upgrades are overpriced. However, like you pointed out, all audiophile products are overpriced...and turntable manufacturer's are one of the worst offenders!( palling in comparison to cable manufacturer's ( rip-off artists IOW... 
Lyra Kleos vs Koetsu Urushi
CAT SL1 phono stage with rolled in 1963 NOS GE long plate 12AX7's. 
linn sondek tt
@tatyana69  The Avid is an excellent deck, Hard to fault. Which model are you getting? Having said that, I don't think the Acutus ref is any better than the top LP12 Radikal D Klimax, just different flavour. Cannot go wrong with either table. You ... 
linn sondek tt
@tatyana69 Unfortunately, there are so many negative opinions on this table on the various forums from folk who have never even heard the table, never mind owned it, that it is easy to get bad information about it on the www.This is why I ask the ... 
linn sondek tt
Or, you go with a Well Tempered Arm on the Linn. That’s what I use and it’s a superb match up. The ‘Black’ arm has all of the imaging qualities of the Naim Aro with none of the downsides, IME. 
Lyra Kleos vs Koetsu Urushi
I ended up with a new Lyra Kleos, after some significant experiments with loading, which I found to be very critical, I ended up with a custom Vishay at 750 ohms. Accuracy of set up is also imperative with these cartridges, but once it’s right, th... 
linn sondek tt
 @tzh21y  The old Linn cartridge would go a long way to explain why you heard what you did. Scantech made Linn cartridges years ago...and currently make their Kandid cartridge ( which is a very nice cartridge). Unfortunately, the old models from d... 
linn sondek tt
@tzh21y   What was the rest of the system when you heard the LP12 ..and with what cartridge? What arm was on the LP12 and mounted on the VPI? Same cartridge on both tables? 
linn sondek tt
@viridian. +1 
linn sondek tt
 @tzh21y  “The American Sound is one of the best turntables in the world”, LOL!!Why would you think that....??? 
linn sondek tt
 @paulcreed   Again and again I guess i have to repeat the same old thing....THIS TABLE SOUNDS VERY DIFFERENT DEPENDING ON ITS VINTAGE!!!! If you heard an older model with the Valhalla power supply and the old Ittok arm, what you stated makes some... 
Does anyone care to ask an amplifier designer a technical question? My door is open.
Thanks, Al. I think that given that I had the cables crossed only at the speaker end...the amp end was wired correctly, that it is unlikely that the amp was connected as in your last paragraph. What I don’t understand, is why the right channel was...