

Responses from czbbcl

Are spare parts for the Sony SCD-1 becoming rare?
Hey Dgarretson the replacement drive motor you speak of do you know where it can be obtained? Mine still works perfectly after performing the work you mentioned but I would like to have a back up just in case.Micky_d as mentioned above that is the... 
Tube amps
Conrad Johnson premier 11a or MV60. 
Unhappy with tubes so which transistor amp?
I would try Conrad Johnson I have a premier 350 and it is excellent. As far as tube amp reliability goes I have had a couple of cj tube amps with no problems. Chuck 
Bigger amps in an enclosed cabinet?
Heat is the only issue other than a strong enough cabinet to handle the weight. 
Esoteric Mods
RAM (reference audio mods) and Kern (audiomod)have very good reputations. I have also heard good things about (VSE) vacum state electronics. I believe music technologies (Bill Thalmann of cj fame) is the north american installer of their mods. Son... 
What Is The
Nypr2003I can understand your confusion and the risk associated with deciding what to mod and what modder to choose. All I can say is choose a reputable modder such as RAM or Kern. You should be able to peruse this site for others. Music Technolog... 
What Is The
If you are satisfied with the tri-vista then stick with it. IMO the players you are considering are not a step up and maybe a down grade. I would mod the the tri-vista if you are so inclined and resale isn't important to you. I have a RAM modded S... 
Conrad Johnson and Proac Speakers
I drove a pair of Thiel 3.6's with my 2500a and was extremely pleased with the results. Good LuckChuck 
First cd purchase
Bob James Grand Canyon Piano in the early 90's. Still have the disc.Chuck 
What song best describes you or your life?
I have to many multiple personalities for one song to describe my life. 
Best CD player money can buy ? MBL, Nagra, Naim?
JohnYup, it was the reference cd7 just as you mentioned. Nice player but would not buy one as I would prefer a universal player instead. My modded Sony comes to mind. I heard it through the reference three.Chuck 
Best CD player money can buy ? MBL, Nagra, Naim?
You may want to try the ARC ref 3 I believe it is; it listed for around 10g usd. I listened to one awhile back and as a redbook only player it is very good. You might want to consider the dcs stack if seperates are your thing. Chuck 
ADCOM vs Rotel amps & preamps for sound quality
I would also seriously consider B&K in this price range.Chuck 
How do tube Watts compare to SS Watts?
In my experience tubes and Thiels are a very good match you just need enough tube power to drive them and there are many factors that determine power requirements. Thiels are a demanding load but not difficult one because of the relatively low but... 
How do tube Watts compare to SS Watts?
Yes, a watt is a watt is a watt but the rail voltages on tube amps are much higher. In my expereience comparing tube wattage to solid state wattage it is about a 2 to 1 ratio.