

Responses from czbbcl

Any high-efficiency bookshelf spkrs
I am in the same position and have read (not heard) that Omegas are very good as well. I am considering their Super3XRS.Chuck 
Replacing Thiel 2.2's, Need Monitor Suggestions
Quality power is more important than quantity. Thiel 1.6's may fill the bill for you as I believe they are smaller than your 2.2's but will still have that characteristic Thiel signiture. 
Replacing Thiel 2.2's, Need Monitor Suggestions
The problem with compromise is that you compromise, she compromises, everyone compromises and nobody is happy. As someone mentioned Thiels are not bad looking speakers. I could understand her concern if they were say Wilson Alexandrias......as exa... 
Replacing Thiel 2.2's, Need Monitor Suggestions
She is only your girlfriend now wait until she is your wife. My WIFE doesn't like my 3.6's too big so I told her I would replace them with 7.2's; end of story. Still might replace them with 7.2's. 
Buying from Canada a hassle for you too?
I have had a couple of very successful transactions with our Canadian friends and look forward to many more in the future. Chuck 
How to flatten Vinyl Albums
I performed a similar process on a badly warped record a few years back and it worked great. Used a hair dryer as the heat source and was very careful as to how much heat was applied and for how long.Chuck 
New Audiophile - Upgrade Amp First or CDP First?
Sounds like you answered your own question! If your player is not working properly why would you not replace it first. 
Are there digital front ends with the body...
Yes, my modded sony scd-1. Great soundstage and texture (body) to the music as well as timbre (air) around the instruments. Vinyl is great but very hit and miss as someone mentioned and much maintenance.Chuck 
New Audiophile - Upgrade Amp First or CDP First?
What kind of music do you primarily listen to; size room, accoustic signiture of the room? Before anyone can recommend anything they need to know that first. In general I would say the amp/pre combination such as an integrated amplifier before you... 
Conrad Johnson PV 15 or 17LS?
Can't speak to the current PV-15 but I did own a 17lsI and liked it very much; upgraded to a 16lsII (much better and still own). The 17 was a member of cj's premier line which was constructed utilizing better parts than than their PV line. If it w... 
Looking for pricing advice for Modded SCD-1
The problem with modded players is that you are basically doing it because of the sonic benefits. You will not recover much if any of the cost of the mods and depending on who modded the unit you may get less for it than a stock unit. VSE has a go... 
Chamber Music - your best pick.
Also Rachel Podger and Trevor Pinnock do a very nice job with Bach recordings on the channel classics label. Chuck 
Chamber Music - your best pick.
Tchaikovsky "The Seasons" is also very nice as is Kodaly on the Fidelis Label.Chuck 
Chamber Music - your best pick.
Emerson String Quartet Bach "Die Kungst Der Fuge". Onr of my favs.Chuck 
Mono blocks are better or Stereo power amp?
You will get slightly better channel seperation whether or not its audible is up to the listener. I would not let mono-bloc or stereo sway my decision to purchase.Chuck