
Responses from cruz123

Martin Logan Grott i Sub for Two Channel?
I have the smaller Dynamo in my system and like it a lot. Its a very fast sub and very flexible in terms of features. Its small size makes for easy placement as well. For what its worth my local dealer pushed the less expensive Dynamo and Abyss ov... 
Great -Small- Cheap subwoofer ?
Martin Logan Dynamos are very good. 
Tube Amp Help/Problem
I can turn the volume to 11 o'clock on my Cary Sli-80 integrated and it's dead quiet from even 1 foot away, so the level of noise you're hearing seems excessive to me. 
Brandi Carlile
There's an older thread on this artist/album, so she hasn't gone completely unnoticed. But, I agree with the others, i.e. th production quality is very poor IMHO. Her voice deserves better. 
Harmony Remote Control
I've been using the 880 for about a year and it works great. The build quality is not top of the line and some of the buttons are sort of small, but I really like the "activity" concept and found it fairly easy to program. It takes a little tweaki... 
Noise upon pre-amp tube replacement
Transl, I had the identical problem a few months back. I would turn on my amp (Cary SLI80) and within a few minutes I would get the thump - identical to your scenario. After about a month of this behavior, one of my power tubes failed. I would swa... 
Just purchased Usher Be-718. Need Help with Setup
If you want something more furniture like, check this link. I'm seriously considering one of Core's models myself. 
Audio Mods for the Jolida JD-100A CD Player
Not sure why you would consider modding a player that you haven't heard stock yet, but in any event there's plenty on this player in the archives. Do a search and I believe you will find that there are mixed opinions regarding the benefits of modd... 
under $500 used which a/v receiver or processor
Rrekstad, as indicated by Saki70, the 605 does in fact decode Dolby True HD and DTS HD Master Audio. 
under $500 used which a/v receiver or processor
I second the Onkyo 605 for $399 at Amazon. In addition to HDMI connections it decodes the advanced audio formats (Dolby True HD and DTS-HD Master Audio). If you have, or plan on having a HD display, blu-ray, etc. in the future, you'll regret not h... 
Give Up?
Best Interconnect Cables with Cary Tube Gear
I'm using Acoustic Zen Silver Reference II interconnects and AZ Satori speaker cables and I am very happy with them. I am also using a VH Audio Airsine power cable on my Cary SLI-amp with good results. 
Decoding the new H/D formats
The feature you're looking for is simply the ability to decode Dolby True HD and/or DTS-HD Master Audio. As Plato indicates, the Onkyo's from the 605 up decode these formats, as do the newer Denons to name two brands. You also need to make sure th... 
Paradigm Monitor series vs Studio series
I own the studio 20's and 60's (vers. 2) and use them exclusively for home theater. They are quite good and better than many here would like to admit; however, I feel the metal tweeters used by Paradigm prevent them from being an optimal two chann... 
Ideal speakers for Cary SLI-80?
Lupin, great choice. The only reason I switched to the Merlins was in hopes that their sealed design would better in my room, which they do. But, I will gladly own Tyler products again if my room situation changes. Enjoy!