
Responses from cruz123

Need Rec on $3k or under Preamp
The Dodd is excellent. 
Upgrading the Cary 308T CD player
I owned the 308T and I thought it was a definite overachiever for the price. Oddly enough, I also used mine with the Airsine. Anyway, I upgraded to a Resolution Audio Opus 21, with GNSC mods. Where the strengths of the Cary were the bass slam and ... 
Internet radio stations that sound really good
No-regrets, TSF Jazz was one of the "staff picks" on my Squeezebox, which is how I access it. I've never tried to access it via computer, so I can't help there. Keep trying though, its a great station. 
When Streaming, is 128kps good or not so good?
128kbs is probably the standard for most streaming services. In fact, it's hard to find much better, although I think Rhapsody may have some streams at 192k. I have a Squeezebox and mostly stream free services, although i do have a Pandora account. 
Scout ground question
Thanks. I connected the ground from the Scout to the Nova and it made some improvement. I still have some hum but its only noticeable directly in front of the speaker and there's still some "hiss". I can't hear the hum or hiss from the listening p... 
Music for Riding a Storm Out?
Galveston Flood by Tom Rush seems to be the obvious choice. Hopefully these lyrics don't come true. Good luck to all in the path. 
Recommend analog sounding CDP with volume control.
The 303/200 is a respected player and it would surprise me if the Cary was the source of the "aggressive" sibilance you describe. It has been my experience that sibilance is most often the result of speaker set up. Have you played around with your... 
amps for Merlin VSM-MXE
I have the TSM's fed by the Dodd Preamp and VAC 70/70 monobloc's. The combination is excellent. 
Bookshelf Help: Revel v. Merlin v. SFaber v Vienna
So what did you end up with? 
speaker recommendations for a 12 x 12 room?
Merlin TSM's may be an option. Since they are sealed they may be a easier to integrate into your room than a ported design. If you can get the backs of the speakers 18" off the back wall and 2' off the side walls AND if you can put your seating po... 
the process is more challenging than the result
I love music and love the listening process. I have music on most of the time, i.e. at home, in my car, etc. That having been said, I am also a "gear head" and greatly enjoy the search process piecing together the best system possible (within my b... 
Bookshelf Help: Revel v. Merlin v. SFaber v Vienna
I have the Merlin TSM-MMe-s and they're excellent. They are sensitive to placement and, optimally, your seating position should be least 9 feet back. Merlin provides a set-up jig that helps get the toe-in correct and I have found that they sound b... 
High efficiency speakers
Take a look a the WLM line of speakers now distributed by Red Wine Audio. I haven't heard them but the reviews have been good so far. On the more affordable side of the scale, look at Omega. 
Need advise on dvd player
Do you have a high def display? If so, I would suggest a Panasonic BD30 Blu-ray player, which is well within your budget. 
PS3 or other bluray player into 1080i TV?
I have the Panasonic bd30 blu-ray player, which will output blu-ray discs at 1080i over component (DVD-Video is output at 480p). Also, you cannot get any advanced audio (true dolby HD and DTS master) unless you use HDMI.