
Responses from cruz123

subs and small room
Lot's of good advice above (I am now inspired to add a second sub!). To relay a little personal experience, for the past couple of years I had ported monitor speakers in my 11'x 22' room. I have my setup on a short wall, which effectively requires... 
Opinions on Luxman SQ-88 integrated amplifier
There's an article on the Luxman in the December issue of Absolute Sound. They like it, but then again they like everything they review. 
Tube integrated amps
I agree with the recommendations for more power with the specs of those speakers. Look at the BAT-VK300x or one of the Blue Circle tube hybrids. 
Budget Tuner Recommendations
I'm not sure how much you want to spend, but if you have a high speed internet connection, I would definitely go with a Logitech Squeezebox to fill you tuner needs. The Squeezbox gives you access to thousands of stations and its sounds great. The ... 
Speakers with high WAF?
I second the vienna's. I haven't owned them, but have heard them and they're quite good. Plus they look like furniture and have several models have a small and unobtrusive footprint. 
Feds to audiophiles: You're all pirates now
Dreadhead, you're right, I don't have 100 buddies. But I have 10, and those ten have ten, and so on and so forth. I guess I just don't get the concept of expecting a music artist to give me their work product for free. Opalchip has summed it up an... 
Feds to audiophiles: You're all pirates now
This is pretty simple if you put yourself in the shoes of the artist. Piracy doesn't hurt the major artists as much, since they have always made the majority of their money on concert revenues. However, to the small artist that produces, records a... 
Angriest Lyric/Vocal
Not necessarily anger, but the recordings of Shelby Lynne and her sister, Alison Moorer, are very bitter. The story is that one or both witnessed their mothers untimely death and their music, in which they routinely question the existence of a hig... 
Harshness in Midrange??? Any Help
I agree with the initial response from Driver. Play around with your toe-in and positioning of speakers in relation to your listening positioning. Seeming small changes in toe-in/distance can make a surprising difference. 
Blu-Ray Sony for Redbook CD
I agree Kennyt! I own both Blu-ray and HD-DVD players and rent both formats via Netflix. I mean, the most expensive HD-dvd player you can get is only $500 (Toshiba XA2). How many A'goner's have a sub $500 cdp? In fact, I just bought a Toshiba A2 o... 
New Processors passing HD Sound?
I realize you didn't want a receiver, but the Onkyo 805 receiver supports the new HD formats and has pre-outs that would still allow you to use your amp. 
HT Proc. with 5.1 analog in, under 1k, good sound?
The Rotel 1066 is a nice choice and there are several currently listed well within you price range. It meets your connection requirements, sounds great and is a great looking piece to boot. 
musical subwoofer recommendation for 2-ch
I'm using a Martin Logan Dynamo with great success. It has 10" aluminum woofer that's very fast. About $600 or less. The next step up, the Abyss has a 12" woofer but is the same design. Both can be set up to fire down or out. 
Tube CD Players other than Jolida
The Cary 308t often shows up in classifieds in the $1250 range. 
Best Tube Integrated
I second the Cary SLI-80. It's a flexible amp in that you can use KT88's, 6550's, El34's, etc., plus is has triode and ultralinear modes that you can shift on the fly. Plus is has subwoofer outs that many amps are missing and it has a great headph...