
Responses from cruz123

How would you improve the sound of Squeezebox?
I've been listening to my Squeezebox for the past week running through the Monarchy DIP upsampler into the DAC of my Opus 21 and I'm convinced the Monarchy is an improvement using the 24/48khz output setting. I tried 24/96 and didn't care for that... 
What's the best Phono preamp under $1000??
Dodd Audio also makes a phono pre in the $1000 range. I have the battery powered pre-amp (not the phono) and its excellent. 
Good budget sub for music?
Look at the Martin Logan Dynamo. Small footprint, sealed enclosure and it can be switched between front or downward firing. Very nice little sub. 
iphone/itouch 2.0 software release
Tvad, which version of the Itouch are you using. This looks like a great idea, I'm just curious if you need the full 32gb version to get the best out of the Itouch in this application. You're accessing music stored on a hard drive I presume? 
How would you improve the sound of Squeezebox?
The Pace-Car is certainly interesting, but seems like it could be overkill given the price point. You may want to try a Monarchy DIP 48/96 upsampler as a lower cost alternative. See Your post reminded me that I have ... 
power conditioner with off switch
I use a Furman Elite PF15i in both my 2 channel and HT systems. This unit has an off/on switch that can shut down the entire system and allows 12v switching for your amp/pre-amp if needed. 
Internet radio stations that sound really good
There's a great jazz station out of Paris (France, not Texas) called TSF Jazz. I get it through my squeezebox at 128kbs. Sounds great and their programming is excellent. 
How would you improve the sound of Squeezebox?
Bolder Cable does a digital mod to the SB3 that has been well reviewed. Also, the other mod that seems to be popular with the SB3 is to upgrade the power supply. Again, Bolder does this and CI Audio sells a nifty looking separate power supply for ... 
Does coloring the edges of CD's help the sonics?
It sounds as though you would need to layer the pantyhose, first blue then yellow. If you could somehow aim the legs toward the speakers that would probably help too. 
need advice on media cabinet for tube amp....
Look at my system. I run my mono block tube amps in a TV cabinet with no problem, but I have plenty of space around the amps and plenty of ventilation. I took the back panel off to aid ventilation while in use. You don't notice it when the cabinet... 
What happened to the AM/FM tuner???
I highly recommend getting a Logitech Squeezebox and a good DAC and switching to internet radio instead of AM/FM. The Squeezebox gives you access to tons of channels and the sound quality is at least as good as FM in most cases. Using my Squeezebo... 
Resolution Audio Opus 21 TRL Audio mod
I had my player modded by GNSC earlier this year. The first thing I noticed when I got it back was how quiet and silky smooth the transport was compared to the stock player. The transport damping part of the mod is immediately evident. The benefit... 
Internet radio stations that sound really good
I don't consider Raioio "unlistenable" at all. I access the Radioio stations via a Squeezebox into the DAC of my RA Opus and I think it sounds pretty d*** good. A well recorded CD is better for sure, but I find Radioio, Pandora and other internet ... 
Paradisea Dac
Suggest you venture over to the Audio Circles and look around, this DAC has been discussed quite a bit over there. 
RWA amp with DODD preamp both battery powered
Mrjstark, I have some Amperex 7308 white label PQ's cooking in my Dodd right now and they are fantastic. Smooth as a baby's bottom without any hint of glare that I can detect. In an already warm system I could see how how the PQ's could be perceiv...