
Responses from cruz123

avr receiver help
It's not that I use a Squeezebox out of necessity. I live in a metropolitan area and pick up tons of FM staions. I just prefer Internet radio since its offers so much more than FM. In any event, it would surprise me if the Onkyo's - or most modern... 
avr receiver help
I don't even use the radio in my Onkyo. I use a Squeezebox to fill my radio needs. 
Logitech Squeezebox III Power Supply/Mods
Bolder Cable does digital only mods to the Squeezebox and also offers upgraded power supplies. The other school of thought is something like the Empirical Audio Pacecare that acts as reclocker/jitter reducer. But, for the money some of these mods ... 
avr receiver help
The Onkyo 805 was $599 yesterday at Amazon. That's a seriously good deal. The 805 is a powerhouse and has great features and connectivity. 
break in tips
Uh, play music? 
lps from "classic records" as awesome as axis bold
Audiophilia, I haven't heard the SACD version, only CD. 
Walmart pushing blu-ray
There's an article in the current Home Theater mag that gives rave reviews to the Panasonic BD35 and BD55. The review rates the Panny's upconversion of standard dvd's as excellent. Its also a full 2.0 machine with an ethernet connection. I have th... 
How do you level your turntable?
A 9" "torpedo" bubble level works great. $4-5 dollars at Lowes or Home depo. A torpedo level gives you a north-south, east-west and diagonal level reading at the same time. 
lps from "classic records" as awesome as axis bold
I'm having good luck with the Analogue Productions vinyl I have tried so far. I'm listening to Bill Evan's "Sunday at the Village Vanguard" right now and it's sounds wonderful. It's like I'm in the club. Kills my CD of the same music. 
VPI 300rpm motor upgrade problem
Never mind. I took the pulley apart and applied some lube and tightened the brass collar underneath the plastic pulley. Seems like its ok now. 
2 Acoustic Zen Silver Reference II IC's too much?
If it's within your budget buy both a Silver Ref and a Matrix and keep the one you like. Ultimately you'll have to try both in your system to know which works best. If you buy used here on A'gon, you won't loose anything if you need to resell. Bot... 
Life without a remote
I wouldn't let a remote be the deciding factor in choosing a pre-amp, but they are awfully convenient. I listen to a lot of internet radio and there are wild volume differences between every station. If i only listed to vinyl or CD's the remote wo... 
2 Acoustic Zen Silver Reference II IC's too much?
I've used the matrix and the silver ref II, and the Silver Ref II is a significantly better cable, imho. I've never had a brightness issue and would not be concerned about using more than one. 
C.d player with built in Pre amps i.e Wadia
Volume control is via the analog outs of the cdp, not the digital out. In any event, I have the Opus 21 and, in my system, I strongly prefer using a separate preamp. However, this is a personal preference thing and largely system dependent, I supp... 
Unico SE Underwood Level-2 Mods ????
Here you go: