
Responses from cruz123

Sealed Monitor Speakers
Merlin TSM. 
Which Universal Remote to Use?
Look at the Harmony One. 
Sibilence in one channel means?
I use one counter-clockwise turn on my Scout (as if uncoiling the wire) and it seems to work fine. I do not detect any sibilance issues. 
What's with white stains on new vinyl?
I recently purcased 4-5 pressings from Analogue Productions that have these stains, but I cannot detect any sonic impact. 
Need to downgrade any advice??
I rescind my prior advice. Instead, keep the apartment and ditch the nagging girlfriend. 
what is the weakest link in my audio chain
You might find reviews describing Paradigm v2 as neutral or crisp but you won't find single one calling them "warm sounding".Good, because I don't want a warm sounding speaker, I want one that's neutral. 
Squeezebox Classic - Do you like it?
Puerto, have you confirmed that Red wine makes a battery power supply for the sb3? They don't advertise one on their website, etc. 
what is the weakest link in my audio chain
If yoy're happy with the sound then your Bryston amp has to be warm sounding since Paradigm Studio v2 has bright unforgiving tweeter (Vifa). This is a popular misconception, IMHO. I have the same setup as Benqsun, except I have 60's for the fronts... 
Power Cords for Cary
Fpeel, I used a Cary 308T cdp for a considerable time and later a GNSC modded RA Opus 21, which I still use in my current setup. I used Acoustic Zen Silver Matrix IC's connected to the source and AZ Satori speaker cables, which I still use along w... 
Squeezebox Classic - Do you like it?
I use the classic wirelessly with no issues. I use the digital outs into the DAC of my Opus 21 and it sounds great.As to the jitter issue, there are as many opinions about jitter as there are products that claim to reduce it. I use a Monarchy upsa... 
Power Cords for Cary
FWIW, I have used the Cary Sli-80 with the TSM's and I could never wring that last level of emotion/space/clarity out of that combo. I didn't realize how good the Merlin's were until I upgraded to separates (VAC mono's and Dodd pre). I used the AZ... 
Bagpipes anyone?
Bagpipes are beautiful in small doses. Like in Star Trek when Spock died and they played Amazing Grace on bagpipes. But a whole album? I dunno, I'm afraid it would become annoying at some point. 
Load Settings for Dynavector 20XL?
I'm using the battery powered Musical Surroundings Nova Phonomena. The Nova is highly configurable, with 13 different gain settings and 17 load settings (for MC). 
Good entry level cd?
Quickly scouring the DAC and CDP classifieds, I'm discouraged that your budget will allow for much of an upgrade. There is a Rega Planet in the ads for $300. If you're determined to upgrade now, I would take a look at the Rega (I have no relation ... 
Blu-ray format... Do you like it compared to DVD?
I don't buy many discs, I'm more of a Netflix guy. But the costs of discs have dropped a lot recently. If you keep an eye on Amazon, they have a lot of 40-50% deals on Blu-ray discs, including new releases.