
Responses from cruz123

Subwoofer meshes well with 2-channel?
I've tried the 85Hz filters from ACI and they clearly degraded the high frequenciesI had the same result. I couldn't get the ACI filters to work at all in my system. 
I need some advice on High End Car Audio...
The problem with high end car audio is that eventually some a*****e will break into your car and steal it. I've given up on car audio after having two head units stolen complete with broken windows and trashed dashboards. It's just not worth it. 
Best Turntable/arm/cartridge system for $30k
If there's not a digital rig made that you can enjoy, you won't like vinyl either, IMHO. Nothing's perfect and a certain amount of snap, crackle and pop is inevitable with vinyl even with the best gear you can buy. Can you tolerate that? 
Dodd Preamp Question
I use the Dodd with NOS Amperex 7308's. They're not cheap, but boy do they sound fantastic. I never even installed the JJ's, so I can't comment in regard to break-in with those tubes. In my experience, the changes of this pre during breakin were n... 
Village Vanguard session with Bill Evans
I'm spinning Waltz / Sunday this morning. There's nothing better on a quiet rainy Sunday morning. Combined with the newspaper and a good cup of coffee, life is good. 
need recommendations for sub for music
Martin Logan makes a nice little 10" sub called the Dynamo. It can be configured to either fire out or down and its sealed, which i would recommend if your room is smallish and/or if you are limited in where you can place the sub. 
A weird thing happened to my Red Wine Audio 30.2..
The 30.2 is only 30 watts. Perhaps the speakers at the store simply needed more power than the 30.2 could deliver. It's all about system matching. As long as it sounds good in your system, that's all that matters. 
Are lossless Codec's worth upgrading my processor
Ghstudio, you can buy a blu-ray player that decodes the new codecs internally and not have to upgrade your processor. Just send the audio via analog outs to your Lexicon. The Panisonic BD55, for one, does this. 
Dimly lit room: Plasma, LCD, or DLP
I would suggest the O.P. google all these topics and research should quickly confirm that black levels are not up to par on LCDThe December issue of Home Theater Magazine reviews the new 950 series Samsung LCD and they describe the black levels as... 
I have gone insane, need help
At the risk of stating the obvious, I would keep the one(s) that you like the best. 
why does my plasma tv screen occasionally blank
FYI, I was having the same problem with a lcd tv I recently purchased for a bedroom. I swapped out a cheapo Hdmi cable with one of better quality and it solved the problem. I think the connectors on the cheap cable were the problem, i.e. they did ... 
On or off question...
I think this forum needs a frequently asked question section. 
Village Vanguard session with Bill Evans
I love both Village and Waltz. You can just feel the cohesiveness and natural flow of the music from these gifted musicians. Plus the music has a very intimate feel and the ambient sounds from the crowd almost makes it feel as if you're there. I h... 
Merlin MMe - Bi-Wire or Single Wire
Chadlesko, one thing I would point out, is that you experimented over such a short time frame that subtle differences in the set ups may not have been apparent. Bi-wire may very well work best in your setup, but I would suggest putting the single ... 
Pioneer Blu Ray Player BDP 05 FD
I use the Cardas Twinlink on my Panny BD35, but I'm not sure it makes much difference. However, my guess is your pioneer probably has a larger power supply than the Panny and, therefore, may benefit more from an upgraded cable. In any event, the C...