
Responses from chayro

Does Anyone Else Member the Golden Age of Audio Insults and Product Degradation?
Best Rock Drummers
I never paid much attention to him before, but I developed a newfound appreciation for Simon Phillips. Incredible musical ability, versatility and technique up the kazoo. I hate to compare, but for my money, for guys that play a big kit, I much pr... 
How do you make a final decision on a DAC
I think you should keep the benchmark. It’s a good product and I don’t think there is anything to be gained buying one of the dacs you list for listening to loud rock in a shop .  
DAC Upgrade Dilemma - PS Audio Digital Link III w/Cullen Mod to Direct Stream DAC vs
How long have you had the new dac before coming to this conclusion about the sound?  It’s entirely possible you just prefer your older one, which is fine, but I think you need to listen to the new one for at least 2 weeks before making a judgment.... 
I don't want to beat a dead horse but I'm bugged.
One theory is as good as the next I guess. You can manufacture conspiracies and ulterior motives in everything if you want to. Personally, I go for the simplest explanation first. All the measurement guys are telling you is that the product has po... 
Anyone that have try Tubulus interconnect cable?
A 1 meter pair iS about $750 usd. Seems very inexpensive for a allegedly all-silver ic. Not saying they should charge more, but I wonder if they are using pure silver at that price.    
An upgrade ? From Sonus Faber to Harberh speaker
I’ve owned several Harbeth speakers and I have found the Chartwell L6s to be better in a small-room low-volume situation. The rear port gives them a bit of a bump on the bottom, that sounds very pleasing at lower volumes. Excellent all-around spea... 
Would the new Pro-Ject X8 be a good choice for a first turntable?
A wall shelf works too. But in any case, you need a vibration-free a place or it’s over. I recommend the MM7 because it’s a very good table at a good price and will give you plenty of analog flavor. Your first Tt is just about testing the waters t... 
Would the new Pro-Ject X8 be a good choice for a first turntable?
Project makes good stuff, but personally for a first TT, I would go for the cheaper Music Hall (project) MM7 for less money. It’s very decent and you can fool around with it for a couple years and decide whether you want to invest more in analog. ... 
Magico S3 mkII
Likely a dealer somewhere has one for you. And if not, don’t worry. There’s always something else to buy.   
Seller Listing Pet Peeve
You can ask the seller for a picture of the back. So much audio is bought without audition anyway. Alit more blind than seeing pictures. However, if you are buying used, you do have a right to pictures of the back and the bottom to check the condi... 
This cable game is making my head spin
You’ve got too much going on at the same time and IMO, it’s impossible to sort out the way you’re doing it. I think you should buy a complete set of Belden ICs and speaker cables from Blue Jeans and some $10 power cables from Amazon and start over... 
headphone DAC/amp
Try one of the Topping products. I have a DX3 Pro+ and it’s pretty neutral IMO.  They have other more pricey stuff, but I haven’t tried them.   
Magico S3 mkII
Were you planning to buy a pair, or is this just a bulletin to those who were?  
Jays Audio cdt2 mk3 burn in and user experiences
Mark 30 days on your calendar. Part of it is the component and part is you.  Sometimes we just need to get used to a new presentation. It’s a shame that buying blind seems to be the norm now, jut the Jay’s is so universally praised, that it’s hard...