
Responses from chayro

Can a DAC sort out a flat\cold amp?
Buy a Shitt Loki EQ. It used to be about $130, but I haven’t looked lately.   
@jimger - assuming you live in the US, did you have to pay an import duty?  N/A if you’re not in the US.    
Speaker Pairing for Sugden A21SE
I am very impressed with my Chartwell L6s and I’ve owned 3 pairs of Harbeths. Not saying it’s “better”, but I really like what the Chartwells do. I recommend buying from Gene Rubin in the US. Top-notch service. Any issues and he’s back to you with... 
finding the weak link
It’s impossible to know what to upgrade because that’s totally subjective. You need to listen to other systems and see what impresses your ears and then move your system in that direction. The fact that you use the word upgrade without stating wha... 
Voltage mode vs current mode phono stages
I think this is like many other things in audio. An allegedly "better" technology does not mean the listener will prefer it sonically and, as with everything, you need to try and see. I recently had a current-mode phono preamp for audition, but I ... 
Power cord for Bricasti M3
I have never heard anyone use that word regarding any Audience product. Audience always made neutral/warm products until the Front Row, which some have criticized for being too forward. Looks like audience finally learned what Nordost knew for yea... 
Which DACs are known to be sweet/rich/relaxed?
You have very revealing amps and speakers that are going to expose every flaw in the recording.  I think it’s going to be tough to alter that characteristic with another dac. I see this a lot. People spend a fortune on “accurate” gear and another ... 
Disadvantages of buying old solid state.
Buying anything used is a gamble, which is why it’s important to buy from a company that services its older products.  Pass has an excellent reputation, but sometimes parts are no longer available, so you should check with Pass about that.     
Large speaker recommendation
Personally, I think once you get used to Sonus Faber, many other speakers may sound disturbingly forward to you. But, as long as people want to guess, how about the new PS Audio speakers? Maybe you should just add a couple of subs for when you wan... 
Pre Playback Wipedown
Just search for DIY record cleaning fluids. There are tons out there.   
How can a PS Audio Perfect Wave DAC enhance my system?
I would call PS Audio. They pride themselves on customer service, so they should be able to walk you through any issues. At least that’s what Paul claims. Can’t hurt.   
10k Towers with biggest soundstage?
Get a used pair of Wilson Watt/Puppies. Blows everything up in size. Not my cup of tea, but a lot of people love them. Not a Wilson hater btw. I like the Sophias quite a bit. To me they have a more realistic image size.   
Best Phono Stage
You want to spend 5k on everything or just on the phono stage?  Personally, if I had no experience with vinyl I would seek out a local dealer so they can assist you with selection and setup. Don’t worry about an endgame vinyl rig first time out. J... 
Best company to mod your gear?
I would proceed with caution regarding mods unless the modder has a track record with a particular piece of equipment. Like Modwright did for the Oppo DVD players. He’s perfected those mods and knows the end result.  Just replacing parts with more... 
Why Does My Current Music Sound So Much Better than It Did in the 80’s?
Because you were younger and having too much of a good time to care about what your hifi sounded like.