
Responses from chayro

OCD audio guy naming shady Audiogon dealers by name
In general, it’s not a good idea to serve alcohol to people signing contracts. Just saying.  Aside from that, I hear what OCD Is saying about dealers that carry a lot of lines, but from what I can see, many audiophiles just want to call a dealer a... 
Doge (China to USA) Tariff
As I recall, several forum members bought the Doge7 and I don’t recall anyone ever mentioning an extra duty on delivery.   
Speaker massage ...
In the old days we used to put the speakers face to face, reverse the wires on one speaker and let them play. Now we have break in CDs like Isotek, that supposedly speed things up. But playing music normally works too. I would get something with s... 
Every day I see another turntable recommendation...
Given your confusion, I would recommend you buy the best Rega with the best rega cart you can afford. This way there are no adjustments and tweaking you have to do and you can relax and listen to records. BTW, your statement that you want to buy s... 
Holo May KTE vs Meitner MA3
I believe that many, if not all Teslas are made in China, as is Volvo.  For whatever it’s worth. Take from it what you will.   
Nain 282 vs audio research ls5mk2
Naim preamps are very dependent on the outboard power supplies used. I have never compared Naim with Audio Research, but if you get the 282, it needs a minimum of 2 HiCaps to really get going, but the Supercap really transforms it. But I’ve never ... 
Technics SL 1200GR with What Cartridge???
Honestly, if you have the Linn already, I would have it properly set up and just keep it. Once properly set up, Linn should go for many years without issues. I wouldn’t recommend this if you didn’t have one already. Anyone who says they require co... 
Wine, audio, and music. How many of us Aphiles enjoy wine when listening to music?
I never drink…wine.   
Audioquest Design Question
If your system is up to date, I see you're using Blue Jeans, which are fine, basic cables.  Plus, you have a good baseline from which to judge other products, which will either sound better, worse or the same.  IMO, the only way to find out is to ... 
Do you spend more time analyzing the sound of your system, worrying it could be better?
I have been a member of this Forum for many years and have read posts by many audiophiles to whom I believe their systems are nothing but a source of grief and anxiety.  I know 1 or 2 people like this personally and I don't think there is a cure f... 
The sound quality from DACs - is it all the same?
The only thing that matters is whether a cheap dac and expensive dac sound the same to you.  What we think doesn't matter.  I suggest you invest in a $200 Topping DX3 Pro+ and start your journey.  If it matters, ASR said it was one of the best dac... 
Speakers for digital piano
I don’t know whether you want to go this route, but I would recommend you go to a decent music store and listen to a pair or small/medium keyboard amps. A pair of smaller amps will give a more spacious presentation than a single larger amp and pro... 
Best cable for record cleaner, ever
Unfortunately, my Nitty Gritty has a captive cord. :(  
2.5 Tower vs 2 Way Tower vs 2 Way Monitor
What is midrange “crunch”?  It doesn’t sound very pleasant. My advice is to go to some stores and find some speakers that are giving you what you are looking for and, even if you don’t buy them, you will have a better point of reference for compar... 
switching to stand mount speakers
“Guess I would need to listen… and decide which sounds best.” Now you got it. Panel speakers and box speakers have a very different presentation and different strong points. There is no substitute for listening.  And don’t worry about stand mounts...