
Responses from chayro

DAC Shootout Starts This Weekend
Your impressions of the Jadis confirm what I have believed for a long time, which is not to pre-judge a dac’s sound from the design. People are constantly saying they want a resistor ladder or an fpga and how “off the shelf” chips are inferior. Th... 
How to secure a large power cord to a piece of equipment?
If you have the space, put a small wood block between the plug and the shelf below it to raise the plug up a bit. Not very inspiring when this happens. I like my power cords to fit properly.    
Quest for an external Dac has resulted in me way down the rabbit hole
What do you mean when you go to dealers they just give you the “party line”? You mean recommend something they sell? What are they supposed to do? Do yourself a favor- if you want to climb out of this audio hole you and so many others are in, take... 
Dumbest cable question
This is very far from the dumbest question I’ve seen here. Very far. I don’t have an answer for you, but Chris Sommivigo (stereovox/black cat cables) believes that speaker cables carry an AC signal, which is constantly varying back and forth 60 ti... 
Sumiko Songbird (High Output)/Music Hall MMF-5
Another vote for replacing the stylus in the Goldring.  That cart works very well in that arm.  I would also suggest trying a Herbie's mat on that table.  It made an astounding improvement on the MMF5, but was horrible on my Linn.  Herbies offers ... 
Looking for wider soundstage
What exactly do you mean by “soundstage”?  Do you expect the image to spread out past the outer edges of the speakers?  That can happen, but in my experience, that is a product of the recording. I’m thinking you just want your hifi to sound better... 
Marantz TT15/ Clearaudio Satisfy for MC carts?
Whatever you buy, IMO, you should buy from the local dealer who demonstrated the Marantz for you.  As a newbie, you will have a lot of questions about setup, and probably 10 other things.  It is really good to have a local person who can and will ... 
DVD Player Recommendations
I would go for the Panasonic UB-9000, as it is designed for good audio playback as well as for DVDs. I’m surprised a product like this exists anymore, as most people have gone to streaming for video.    
DVD Player Recommendations
If the ones you have are working, I recommend nothing. Do you also use it as a cd/sacd player or just video?  Need some more info to answer this question.   
How does cable construction affect sonic character?
@hilde45 - here’s a link to the entire hard-cover Audio Critic library as it currently exists. I found them to be very interesting reading, although I certainly didn’t agree with everything they wrote. Still, the Audio Critic is a piece of high e... 
How does cable construction affect sonic character?
For anyone interested, here's an old article from the Audio Critic, demonstrating how differences in resistance, inductance and capacitance affect frequency response at the speaker.  One thing - I believe they used 10 meters of cable, which could ... 
How does cable construction affect sonic character?
Cable construction, specifically spacing between connectors, can affect the capacitance and inductance, which, if large enough, have measurable effects on frequency response at the speaker. The science guys do not say all cables sound the same. Th... 
Synergistic Research Foundation Cables
I believe Synergistic offers 30-day money back. I would run them in for 2 weeks and bail if you’re not happy. “Grainy and Dry” is not a very good sign, but do give them 2 weeks at least.   
Ohm Acoustic Corp., Brooklyn NY
Right now, and possibly forever, I’m not ordering anything that’s not ready to ship. Sad state of affairs, but that’s the reality. I might put a small good-faith deposit on something where the manufacturer affirms they have everything in stock, bu... 
Warm Tube Amp(s) to Tame Hyper-Accurate Speakers?
I feel your pain and I mean no disrespect, but if you want to change something, change the way you buy and stop buying without audition. Any other way is just hit and miss. I understand that it is impossible for people in some locations, but I thi...