
Responses from chayro

Better Record Cleaning Method
While I'm not prepared to go through the steaming ritual, the benefits of getting all the crud off the record are undeniable and I can see what the steam advocates are talking about. However, with my sink-rinse step, I think I have achieved an ext... 
How to get the impact of a live concert?
I think you, as well as many people here, would be better served with high-end sound reinforcement gear than traditional home stereo speakers. Companies like EAW and JBL Pro make the speakers you hear at these concerts and they are specifically de... 
Audience Versus Running Springs Power Conditioners
This thread might be helpful: 
Interesting Ads
Actually, I wasn't impressed with any of it. I just found it very unusual that a seller had to go through his life story to sell you some hifi equipment. 
Has anyone heard the SimAudio 650D?
Without getting into the debate of the wisdom of Stereophile's rankings, I believe that the A+ class is only for player's performance with hi-rez media, which the Simaudio lacks. 
At what vol level do you get rumble / flutter?
Twice your normal listening level? Turn the goddamn thing down. It's an inexpensive table and it can only take so much. 
I'm back now to my CDP
It's amazing the conclusions you can come to when you actually use your ears instead of listening to all the BS. Audio should be enjoyable and it sounds like you are enjoying your system. That's a good thing. 
Upgrade program
Some dealers have a formal upgrade program, i.e., within one year you can trade in for a component at double value, etc. But I have found that you can often negotiate an upgrade track on a component at the time of purchase, as the dealer is motiva... 
Practicality of footers to isolate turntables.
Or you could try a wall shelf. They work amazingly well. The knee-jerk reaction is often that you cannot fit a wall shelf into your decor, but you'd be surprised. 
Rega Apollo CDP in NYC area
Fast-forward to the pawn shop scene from Pulp Fiction. 
Bada DC-225
That lingering thought will always be with you until you realize that there is always something better than what you have. Besides that, "better" is a matter of taste. I never heard the DK, but I enjoyed the Bada very much in my system. Many peopl... 
Bada DC-225
I don't know if any of the Badas are available used, but Pacific Valve is great to deal with and gives you a year warranty. If the thing goes a year without breaking, chances are it's going to last many years. While you're at the site, I would def... 
Bada DC-225
I had the older model and it was an incredibly good value. I replaced it with a $4K tube amp and the Bada really gave up nothing. I would purchase it without hesitation. If I were on a tight budget, I'm pretty sure that would be what I would buy. 
Need Suggestions For Raising Speaker Height
Don't assume you need to raise them. "Tweeter at ear level" is a starting point, but not necessarily the best point. That aside, I happen to have some Herbies wooden spike feet - a grungebuster disc with a wooden base and brass spike disc, that wi... 
looking to audition Running Springs P C--
Go for an Audience. They sound great, the used prices for the non-teflon units are a steal (IMO) and they have great customer service. What more do you want?