
Responses from cdc

Opinions on Fluance...
I think it is rude - err maybe that's flatulance?They may be a good buy dollar-wise but not so good sound-wise.It will be very hard to find floorstanders for under $300 that sound good. B&W Dm601 series 3, Monitor Audio Bronze, Acoustic Energy... 
I need a musical sub under 500,,,,new or used.
Hsu distributed by Ascend Acoustics or Parts Express sells a sub. These would be two options. 
Audio articles of interest
Agonan :-), This site is turning me into a deadbeat but I do need sleep. If I don't start spending less time here I will be unemployed.AudioPhysic speaker placementSpeaker placementB&W speaker placementA-gon speaker placementHigher FiCardas 
DIY balanced interconnects sells balanced I/C's. Belden wire looks better than Canare beacuse of lower capacitance.Chris Ven Haus at has a balanced version of his I/C as well. 1/10 the capacitance as the Belden stuff. 
B&W 7NT vs. Paradigm reference 80 for plinius mkII
Funny how no one on the internet would buy B&W yet they are one of the best selling speakers in the world. Including pro use in recording studios. 
Who's to blame for the Grain??
I'll throw in my support for the pre. maybe even a properly impedance matched 10Kohm ALPS pot for $35 with SHORT interconnects.No need to apologize for your system. Don't give in to the peer pressure of spending a lot of money for status. Buy beca... 
Warm vs. Analytical
The current delivery of the amp can be the cause. A low powered MOSFET amp would sound warm vs a high powered bi-polar which can react faster and bring out more detail.I would consider the MOSFET then to be more poorly designed from a design stand... 
Who makes the best passive volume control?
I've heard good things about the TDK stepped attenuator $229 from Much finer steps than DACT or the standard Goldpoint models.Tarsando, you got me thinking. I could burn my CD's at -40dB and run direct CDP to power amp. Not even a ... 
Blue Circle BC2 - may need to upgrade.
I'd look into McIntosh (maybe not small enough), maybe Odyssey Audio, or Pass Aleph but bass may be lacking. My first choice would be Aleph although I haven't heard the combination. 
Is "live" music sound possible for under $1K
I don't think a $200 tube pre will help your situation. Try for a good passive or just a stepped attenuator from www.percyaudio.comCBM-170 from Ascend Acoustics are quite good for $328. Maybe a bit analytical and etched so go for a softer amp I wo... 
Audio articles of interest
Here are some more:list of most every speaker mfg'rlink to links of audio stuffWhat HiFi's links to almost every audio munufacturer in existanceSo if you don't need to sleep, unemployed, etc. this should keep you going :-) 
Audioquest is bright??
Thanks. Hi Bob, it is the power amp. I was surprised reading a post here recently where someone said AudioQuest was bright. Hence my post here. Being solid copper with no silver plating and insulated strands, I would think Granite is as un-bright ... 
Audio articles of interest
mythsaudiohifiproaudioreviewdself siteaudio tweakersnaysayer siteaudio tweaks 
What slim$1000 speakers will match Bryston B-60 ?
Epos M15. 
Axiom 80TiSe, Meadowlark Osprey, Thiel CS1.6
Do you want deep bass? Thiel 1.6 won't give it to you.More neutral than Meadowlark.