
Responses from carlsbad

Unmatched power cords
Try it and see.   Yesterday I recieved a new pair of tubes.  I put them in and they were not good.  Made me appreciate the ones I'm using.  Both are 6SN7s from the 1940s but vastly different performance. You will either hear something like this ... 
An interesting experience with power cable.
@samureyex I doubt it is 8 gauge.  8 gauge would be 8 awg.  Ag is silver so i'm guessing the AG is silver plated and 8 means something else. If it is 8 gauge, then it is plenty big and your amp is OK.  I have an amp with huge capacitors that bene... 
New outlets on some cd players
yogiboy is speaking of osha safety requirements.  This has nothing to do with the quality of sound you can expect. So it all comes down to the design engineers.  Can they design a system that performs well without the availability of a solid grou... 
An interesting experience with power cable.
@samureyex I have a 12 lb tube amp that makes just a couple of watts per channel and I was shocked that it was limited by a 14 awg power cable.  I'll never use anything smaller that 10 awg on an amp again. A small power cable will limit dynamics,... 
Help needed to sort out an annoying crackling/static issue with streamer
Not sure what I'm missing.  YOu bought a new piece of equipment and it makes static noise.  It isn't any other of your equipment. the new piece of equipment is defective.  Am I confused? To confirm this replace the new streamer with your old stre... 
An interesting experience with power cable.
Sounds like your new cable is undersized for your amp.  
Does Hearing Loss Disqualify Me from Audiophiledom?
Go to costco and get a pair of the current Phillips hearing aids fitted to you.  they will flatten out the frequency response and levelize your ears.   Second, this model has a "hifi Music" setting you slect on your phone only when listening to m... 
My Impossible hum issue.
So now figure out the difference between the cables that work and the ones that don't.  Probably in the way they are grounded.  And then you can order upgraded cables that don't hum. Audio envy has offered cables with versatile grounding systems ... 
I like what @atmasphere said. i'll add that the heat generated by the "AB amps that operate in class A until X wpc" is never enough to convince me that they are truly operating in "Class A mode". My tube amps, class A, all the way. Jerry  
Anyone Using Voodoo Infinity Digital Power Cables
Indeed tellurium copper is often plated.  I like silver plated interconnects.   I like the looks of the cullen cables too.  Pure copper contacts as I recall. Jerry  
Decware and “The List”
There is a list I'm on it.  I also own 2 decware amps currently....because I sold the 3rd one.  Having a custom amp made so probabl will be selling at least one of the 2 I have. In other words, they are available but you can't hesitate. Jerry  
Tube amps - what 3 things…
I see recommendations for autobias.  I much prefer manual bias. I Like to be able to calculate my preferred bias and adjust it.  For example sometimes i run tubes that have a max voltage near my b+, so I'll lower the current a bit and run at a sli... 
Buzz from mouse in speaker
Ditch the computer and use a streamer.  The problem with computers is....noise.    
Tube amps - what 3 things…
@jjss49 My answer is useful, he just has to design the rest of his system around a DHT SET.  :-)     
Tube amps - what 3 things…