

Responses from cal3713

Innuos Zenith mk3 complete disappointment
Very surprising given everything I've read. Too bad you couldn't test both into the same input and with the same cable. Another demonstration of how you just have to try everything in your system to truly know how it will sound. 
Paralleled Transistors
I'd just like to reiterate, you might get some really interesting discussion on the pass labs section of diyaudio.  As you can tell above, Nelson's designs are cited both as evidence in support of paralleling devices, and for simplifying and getti... 
Rca cable with wbt connector or other connector that fits chord hugo 2
If you like your current cables aside from the termination issues, you could buy the wbt connector yourself (e.g., from https://www.partsconnexion.com/) and have a local tech install for you. Any competent tech could do the surgery.  
MHDT Orchid or Lampizator Amber 3?
Also, a slight clarification for my previous post in the AM section.  Hopefully the implied qualification wasn't lost.  Should read as:  "Provides a more 3-dimensional image than any other dac [I've heard in my system]" 
MHDT Orchid or Lampizator Amber 3?
I'm supposedly at 94db/1w/1m and haven't had any problems at all with the dacs listed above. The only product I've had an issue with is the PS Audio Directstream, although they improved the noise floor issue somewhat with firmware updates. 
Von Schweikert vr33 question
Glad I could help. Just do keep in mind that much of performance down below 120hz is really driven by these room effects. So often bass performance is attributed to speakers and amplifiers. 
Thoughts on placing amps on stone/tile base
+1 on the nobsoud springs MC. They outperformed a set of isoacoustic pucks under my coincident pre head units. After that I just reflexively put them under all my equipment. You can remove springs to adjust for weight. 
Paralleled Transistors
The people over here (including Nelson Pass) would probably have some relevant experience and opinions:  https://www.diyaudio.com/forums/pass-labs/ 
Von Schweikert vr33 question
Below ~120hz, the bass quality is really driven by how those standing waves build up in your room.  For example, it is quite easy to have a room where you're getting a 10-15db reduction in some frequency slice at the listening position.  My room w... 
Von Schweikert vr33 question
@dpm2340 Sorry, that's really the point.  At the frequencies reproduced by that bass driver, your ears can't tell whether the waves are originating from the speaker baffle, the floor under the speaker, or the front-wall behind the speakers.  There... 
Von Schweikert vr33 question
Rear-firing, side-firing (e.g., Coincident and many others), or down-firing (e.g., Vandersteen and many others)... doesn't matter a ton below about 120Hz. You just can't echo-locate down there due to the wavelengths involved... about 10ft at 120hz... 
DAC Choices - $5,000 to $7,000
For recent purchasers. How long is the build wait after ordering? 
Best means of isolating digital equipment i.e. DACs, CD transports, wall warts etc.
@williewonka Thanks for the details, they look great. 
Best means of isolating digital equipment i.e. DACs, CD transports, wall warts etc.
@williewonka Thanks for the details.  What power cables are you using? 
Holo Audio May DAC
@jtrimm Congrats, that all sounds exceptional.  I wish I'd been able to hang onto mine longer to ride out the burn in process a bit more.  Damn forced moves.  Everything's about to go into storage for 3 months or so.  Because of that, I likely wou...