
Responses from bryoncunningham

Tidal Speakers owners
Focalfan - You are certainly entitled to your opinion. It is my opinion that Jörn has not crossed the line into advertising.As far as being a member of a "cult," I have never even heard a speaker from Tidal.Bryon 
Tidal Speakers owners
Thank you, Jörn, for your response. The views you have expressed about neutrality are very similar to my own. And FWIW...I, for one, enjoy comments from manufacturers, provided that the thread doesn't become a vehicle for advertising, which this t... 
Tidal Speakers owners
05-13-11: TidalA chameleon-like ability to follow every change in equipment is always a first little sign for “neutrality” of a speaker if one does not have or care about measurements.Jörn - This comment struck me. A while back, I started an A'gon... 
How do you judge your system's neutrality?
I was not addressing you, Tbg.bc 
How do you judge your system's neutrality?
05-12-11: Mrtennissince all components are imperfect, a thorough audition will reveal some flaw or consistent sonic signature.if there exists a component which is "virtually" neutral, i.e., does not reveal any flaws, i would like to know about it.... 
How do you judge your system's neutrality?
A contribution to the topic of neutrality was posted on the Tidal thread by Jorn Janczak, founder of Tidal Audio:05-12-11: TidalMy two cents as the designer behind the speakers mentioned in this thread: neutrality is nothing but an objective crite... 
How do you judge your system's neutrality?
I think the entire discussion is largely irrelevant...In light of this, I hope you will understand if I decline to answer you.bc 
Tidal Speakers owners
Roysen and Tbg - In the interest of not hijacking this thread further, I have responded to both your comments on the thread devoted to the topic of neutrality, which you can read here.Bryon 
How do you judge your system's neutrality?
05-10-11: RoysenNeutrality is what we are searching for. It’s the ultimate goal. That is why we upgrade. To get sound played back closer in quality to the real thing.Roysen – If you look at the posts on this thread, especially those by Newbee and... 
Tidal Speakers owners
05-02-11: RoysenNeutral is not subjective. Neutral is no coloration, no distortion and no compression. The degree of neutrality can be measured by comparing the input with the output. 05-05-11: FiddlerEvery component, including speakers, puts it's... 
What happened to my bass?
Shadorne gives good advice. Measure the frequency response if you can.IMO, it's possible you have a room mode that is resulting in a cancellation at approximately the same frequency as the missing bass notes. It's a little strange that the result ... 
Test tracks for new equipment
Here's a few I've used recently...Weary Blues, Madeleine PeyrouxStrange Fruit, Cassandra WilsonSinkin' Soon, Norah JonesGreen Grass, Tom WaitsGraveyard Blues, John Lee HookerOpus 33 number 4, B minor, Chopin, performed by Fei-ping HsuPrelude from ... 
Is One Subwoofer Really Not Appropriate For 2-Chnl
Ryder - Thanks for being understanding.Dbphd - I have posted a response to your last post on this thread.Bryon 
Why do subs sound bloated or slow?
04-21-11: DbphdOne of the most reliable phenomena in psychoacoustics is what is know as the masking level difference (MLD). Present a mid-freuquncy sinusoid in correlated noise to both ears and adjust the level until it becomes inaudible; flip the... 
Is One Subwoofer Really Not Appropriate For 2-Chnl
I make it a point not to hijack threads. But that is exactly what I've done to this one. My apologies to Ryder (the OP) and to everyone else following along.Dbphd - Your last observation is a valid one, but I have experiences that are inconsistent...