
Responses from bryoncunningham

How do you judge your system's neutrality?
...measuring the accuracy of individual components is probably near impossible, because accuracy is a multi-dimensional concept. how can you be sure you have measured every relevant variable.Mrtennis - I agree with you that accuracy is a "multi-di... 
How do you judge your system's neutrality?
...if a recording distorts the sound of the instruments being recorded, how do you assess the accuracy/inaccuracy of the stereo system?...if an optical lens distorts the characteristics of the light transmitted through it, how do you assess the ac... 
Pass X vs XA amps sound quality in class A range
According to Stereophile measurements...While the XA30.5 may give 30Wpc into 8 ohms in class-A (14.8dBW)...the amplifier doesn't actually clip (defined as the THD reaching 1%) until a much higher power level: 130Wpc into 8 ohms (21.14dBW). Even hi... 
digital room correction
I never have reached the holy grail that I read about, which is more depth, wall to wall soundstage and that holographic feel.I don't think room correction is the right approach to this problem. I use room correction myself, so I am not discouragi... 
Pass X vs XA amps sound quality in class A range
I think Pubul57 is right. I suspect that the X600.5 and the XA160.5 are unlikely to sound the same, even at lower volumes. My understanding is that the circuitry designs of the two amps have significant differences, and that those differences are ... 
Pass X vs XA amps sound quality in class A range
I have owned both the X250.5 and the XA30.5. They both sound excellent. The X250.5 has great dynamic contrasts and bass control. IMO, the XA30.5 is slightly more resolving and relaxed sounding. In my system, I prefer the XA30.5. But I don't requir... 
Soundstage, Imaging, Detail & Presence??
I'll take a crack at it...1. Imaging: The perception of individual instruments/voices in physical space, including their position, boundaries, and size.2. Soundstaging: The perception of the overall layout of instruments/voices in physical space, ... 
Does this dac exist?
Srwooton - Sorry, I should have been more explicit. In my second post on 3/16, I wrote:...what I'm looking for is a dac/computer interface that...(1) very low in jitter.(2) ...allows the dac to communicate with the computer such that the dat... 
Does this dac exist?
Srwooten - I have given serious consideration to the PerfectWave dac, but I don't like the idea of being limited to PS Audio's proprietary software. One of the reasons is that I would like to be able to utilize plugins for EQ, for example. Do you ... 
Disappointing Evening
Sharing something you're passionate about, only to discover people could care less, is a terrible feeling.Having said that, I've had several positive experiences playing my system for guests. But I am VERY cautious about taxing people's patience w... 
Does this dac exist?
Steve/Alex - Thanks for your observations. It always amazes me the extent to which technologies are determined by institutional momentum, short term market forces, lack of cooperation and planning, etc.. Computer audio hasn't quite emerged from th... 
Does this dac exist?
Good question. I don't know the answer. 
My wifes birthday present - a turntable
Wow.Reminds me of the time my wife said: "We should take equity out of the house and build a dedicated sound room behind the garage." I didn't take her up on the offer, but I considered myself lucky to be married to someone so interested in my hap... 
Cables – Speaker as well as interconnects – ugghh
Don't know much about the Cardas Neutral line, but maybe you don't have to spend so much...Like you, I have a speaker cable run that is about 6m (20 feet). I use Anticables and am pleased with the results. And they are dirt cheap.FWIW, my previous... 
Does this dac exist?
Thanks, Steve.