
Responses from bryoncunningham

Do you believe in Magic?
01-26-12: SonicbeautyThis whole discussion exemplifies everything I have come to understand about the truth AND destiny of this hobby: The MUSIC taking a backseat to the never-ending analysis of SOUND, and the countless hours wasting on getting th... 
Sonos surprise
I use Sonos with one of Steve's reclockers. At the risk of sounding like a shill, the addition of the reclocker made a big difference. Benefits included greater perceived resolution, better imaging focus, more realistic instrument timbres, less sh... 
Do you believe in Magic?
01-23-12: Mrtennisno one has defined magic.I did. It was the second sentence in the OP: "Let's say that Magic is any effect not explainable by known physical laws." That is a definition. It may not be a definition you like.i suppose in audio "thin... 
Do you believe in Magic?
Thank you for clarifying, Elizabeth. FWIW, my own personal history of skepticism about what I've been playfully referring to as 'magic' is counterbalanced by my willingness to try nearly anything. Among the "magical" devices in my current system a... 
Do you believe in Magic?
Others (in posts such as this) then proceeded to slam him as a quack.Perhaps I misunderstand what you are saying here, Elizabeth, but you appear to be referring to my post initiating this thread. If so, I'd like to point out something that I thoug... 
Do you believe in Magic?
Thank you for those kind words, Learsfool. I very much enjoy your contributions as well. Having the point of view of a highly experienced musician is always informative. In addition to which, you are a true gentleman. 
Do you believe in Magic?
I used a liberal amount of ERS fabric, and I didn't notice a diminishment of high frequencies. That could be because of where I placed it, or if your hypothesis is correct, it could be because it merely removed some high frequency hiss.I agree wit... 
Do you believe in Magic?
That all makes sense, Al. Still, I feel like there's still a touch of Magic in it, in the sense I stated in the OP.Among the stranger things commonly reported about ERS fabric is that using too much of it tends to diminish high frequencies, as Cha... 
Do you believe in Magic?
Wow, Al. Stillpoints should hire you to write copy! :-) Seriously, thank you for your thoughtful answer. You are great at putting things in terms that folks like me can understand. I know that your explanations are partly speculative, but acknowle... 
Do you believe in Magic?
01-22-12: TmsoroskThe big test comes in the following days when you forgot about the tweak, and walk threw your music room and get stopped in your tracks , hearing something that wasn't there before, then recall making a change.I agree with this. ... 
Arvo Part... Where have you been my whole life?
Thanks for all the suggestions. I have a lot of listening to do. :-)Bryon 
Muddy Waters Folk Singer
Vicks - I have Alone and Acoustic and you're right, it's great. I can't tell you whether the albums I mentioned are available on vinyl, since I'm digital only (gasp). :-) Even if you can't find them on vinyl, if you love Folk Singer and Alone and ... 
Muddy Waters Folk Singer
I agree with you, Vicks. I've listened to Folk Singer hundreds of times. One of my favorite blues albums.FWIW, some of my other blues favorites that are just one man and his instrument...John Lee Hooker, The Country BluesFred McDowell, The First R... 
Does 'Accuracy' Matter or exist ?
Iso - Actually, my wife has a private practice, so she spends her whole day interpreting people. When she gets home, she's sick of it. So I get a pass! :-)She also happens to be tolerant of my audiophilia. She even attended CES with me (twice, in ... 
Does 'Accuracy' Matter or exist ?
Learsfool - I've read Bertrand Russell's History of Western Philosophy and it's a pretty good book. But, IMO, it is a little too dry and excessively detailed to be a good introduction to philosophy. Two books I can recommend are Simon Blackburn's ...