
Responses from bryoncunningham

Does 'Accuracy' Matter or exist ?
12-27-11: Mrtennis if i have an opinion which is not shared by others, i hardly would consider it a case of dogmatism.i may be an iconoclast, but i reject your accusation, without evidence on your part.My suggestion that you are dogmatic isnÂ’t ba... 
Does 'Accuracy' Matter or exist ?
12-26-11: LearsfoolBryon, your last post brings up a question for me - can one be UNwillfully dogmatic?Of course I know you are joking, Learsfool, but this is actually an interesting question, and it leads to a number of observations that are rele... 
My experience at Acoustic Image
I can understand why you wouldn't feel comfortable at someone's house. I expected to feel the same way, but Elliot was so easy going, and his custom built listening room was so well executed, that during the demo I forgot I was at his house.bc 
Does 'Accuracy' Matter or exist ?
if i am wrong regarding knowledge, a mathematical or logical proof would be helpful.Here is my understanding of this conversation..._____________________________________________"The only knowledge is knowledge based on logic or mathematics.""What ... 
Does 'Accuracy' Matter or exist ?
12-25-11: Mrtennissince components are inaccurate , a stereo system is inaccurate.knowledge is analytic a priori. it exists in the realm of mathematics and logic, where it is absolute. for example, given axioms, postulates, and other "rules" base ... 
Does 'Accuracy' Matter or exist ?
I am very late to the party, so at the risk of being irrelevant, I will add some thoughts to what has already been said. Beginning with the OP, the discussions on this thread have included the following questionsÂ…1. Does accuracy exist?2. Is accur... 
Power Cycling Mystery
Thanks, Al. I guess I'll have to live with the mystery.V - Good point. It's easy to take things for granted until they're gone!Have an excellent holiday, gentlemen.bc 
Power Cycling Mystery
V - Yes, I fell down the rabbit hole of power products some time ago. But I can't say that I've spent much time in Wonderland -- it's a confusing place, after all.Currently I'm using a Shunyata Hydra 8 and several Shunyata Python power cords. Can'... 
Power Cycling Mystery
Vhiner - I had the unit extensively modified by Reference Audio Mods -- new PSU, new clock, etc.. I believe he also replaced the fuse. I will take a look. Thanks for the suggestion.Al - I put the top cover back on and I didn't hear any difference.... 
Power Cycling Mystery
Thanks everyone. Vhiner - That's an interesting theory about the clock. If power cycling results in better clock performance, then it might also result in less jitter. That's consistent with the type of improvement I experience from power cycling ... 
Evolution Acoustics MMMicroOne
I heard the MM Micros at RMAF, and I thought they sounded fantastic. While I understand the desire to hear a product demo'd with similarly priced components, I for one do not begrudge manufacturers who demo their products with much more expensive ... 
best video quality Esoteric DV-50 or Blue Ray
I have a Denon 3930 DVD player. It does an excellent job scaling from 480i to 1080p, with virtually no perceptible artifacts on a 60" 1080p display. It's about as good a standard def image as I've seen, outside a professional mastering suite.Havin... 
RMAF 2011: Any tips?
Rest assured, there will be no Bud drinking.bc 
Speaker crossover mod. Your advice?
The other midrange was too faint to read as well. Judging from your picture of the rear of your driver, I'd say our midrange drivers are the same. So I don't know what to attribute the difference to.bc 
Speaker crossover mod. Your advice?
Louk - The serial number is 10E005493.Which midrange chassis is built in your BE (my is as stated 6 W 4361)?By "midrange chassis," do you mean the midrange driver? If so, I'm not sure what its designation is. I looked at the back of the driver and...