
Responses from bryoncunningham

What is Warmth?
You may find this thread of interest. Lots of definitions of warmth were discussed.Bryon 
Am I in the minority?
Personally I prefer a computer source, primarily for its ease of use. I don't enjoy getting up and changing a disc. Maybe I'm lazy.One thing I didn't see mentioned so far is the space required for physical media. It can be difficult to accommodate... 
speakers for 24/96 audio
Al - Thanks again for your helpful explanations.Bryon 
speakers for 24/96 audio
07-05-11: Almarg...we are not hearing the nanoseconds or picoseconds of timing error itself. What we are hearing are the spectral components corresponding to the FLUCTUATION in timing among different clock periods...That's what I suspected, Al, bu... 
speakers for 24/96 audio
Hi Al and Shadorne.Thanks for your thoughtful responses. Everything you guys said makes sense to me, but I do have some additional thoughts... 07-04-11: Almarg1)He has apparently established that listeners can reliably detect the difference betwee... 
speakers for 24/96 audio
This has been a very interesting thread, and I've learned a lot. I have a question that bears on the value of high resolution audio formats, particularly the value of sampling rates higher than 44.1. Here is the question:Is the preference for high... 
Why do subs sound bloated or slow?
Telescope - The speed at which electricity travels through a wire is so fast that it makes differences in cable lengths inaudible, since the high speed makes any differences in latency (elapsed time) vanishingly small.So you have nothing to worry ... 
Best place to put a single subwoofer?
IME, the two simplest and most effective techniques for subwoofer placement that require no equipment other than a SPL meter are:(1)1. Place the sub at the listening position.2. Walk around the room and listening for the location where the bass is... 
How do you judge your system's neutrality?
I would still like to hear from someone with the appropriate credentials regarding the proper use of these words in ordinary language...I believe that 'English majors', especially those who have gone on to teach in our schools, are perfectly qual... 
How do you judge your system's neutrality?
05-15-11: Newbee...can you direct me to the post(s) in which the participants actually stipulated to the meanings and use of the terms you refer to. I must have missed it...You missed it? That's strange to me. Here's what I found...11-06-09 Me: a ... 
How do you judge your system's neutrality?
05-15-11: NewbeeWill the real English major amongst us come forward and explain the proper use of these terms, i.e. neutral and accurate.This issue is way above an English major's pay grade. It is not a question of diction, but rather a question o... 
Tidal Speakers owners
Quanmer - Thanks for those kinds words. As I'm sure you saw in the neutrality thread, I'm generally an advocate of neutrality, which is to say an advocate of minimizing colorations, particularly certain kinds of colorations.Of course, there are ot... 
How do you judge your system's neutrality?
05-14-11: Mrtennisaccuracy is not a matter of degree. something is either accurate or it is not. it is not a relative term. it is absolute...go to the dictionary and check.This sounded like helpful advice, so I did just that.From the Oxford Dictio... 
...and now a word from your anti-sponsor...
05-14-11: Martykl...many (including me) feel that acoustic music is more revealing than electronic for judging the fidelity of playback.I agree with this, Marty.I listen to a nearly equal amount of acoustical and electronic music. It is often diff... 
How do you judge your system's neutrality?
05-13-11: Mrtenniswithout perfection there is no neutrality or accuracy."most neutral" reminds me of being a little bit pregnant.Since...Accuracy is a matter of degree.Therefore...Inaccuracies are a matter of degree.Therefore...Neutrality is a mat...